
Wild Animals

7 años > Inglés > At the zoo

1- Introduction: At the Zoo

Do like to go to the zoo? Do you know wild animal names?

There are a lot of wild animals in the zoo. For example: monkey, elephant, lion.

Wild animals can live in the jungle.

Wild animals can’t live in a house.

They are not pets.

2- Vocabulary: Picture dictionary

Listen and read the animal descriptions.


My favorite animal is alligator.

Alligators can swim.

Alligators can’t jump.


My favorite animal is elephant.

Elephants can run.

Elephants can’t jump.


My favorite animal is frog.

Frogs can jump.

Frogs can’t fly.


My favorite animal is giraffe.

Giraffes can run.

Giraffes can’t fly.


My favorite animal is lion.

Lions can run.

Lions can’t swim.


My favorite animal is monkey.

Monkeys can jump.

Monkeys can’t fly.


My favorite animal is owl.

Owls can fly.

Owls can’t swim.


My favorite animal is panda.

Pandas can walk.

Pandas can’t swim.


My favorite animal is tiger.

Tigers can run.

Tigers can’t fly.


My favorite animal is zebra.

Zebras can run.

Zebras can’t fly.

2.1- Vocabulary Game

Match the animal with the correct description. Number 1 is an example:

Answer Key: Vocabulary Game

3- Expressing Abilities and Inabilities

Let’s see how to use can (affirmative sentence  ), can’t (negative sentence  ), and Can you…? (question  ).

3.1- Expressing abilities: Can

We use can + action verb to express abilities . Examples:

My name is Tom. I can swim  
My name is Florencia. I can jump

3.2- Expressing inabilities: Can’t

We use can’t + action verb to express inabilities . Examples:

My name’s Alfonso. I can’t fly .
I am Simon. I can’t drive a real car  .

3.3- Asking questions: Can you…?

We use can + subject + action verb + ? to ask questions  about abilities. Examples:

Can you run?

– Yes, I can. Look!

Can you make a cake?

– No, I can’t   but I can decorate  a cake!

English Tips

To answer a question (Can you + verb?), you can answer yes or no. Look at the examples:

3.4- Listening Activity

1) Listen and complete the sentences with the words: fly – swim – owl.

This is an ____________.

Owls can ____________.

Owls can’t ____________.

2) Listen and complete the sentences with the words: fly – run – tiger.

This is a ____________.

Tigers can ____________.

Tigers can’t ____________.

Answer Key: Listening Activity


This is an           owl         .

Owls can           fly           .

Owls can’t         swim        .


This is a          tiger         .

Tigers can          run        .

Tigers can’t           fly           .

4- Self-evaluation: Check the box to see what you learnt

What did you learn? Yes   No 
1) I can name wild animals (example: giraffe, lion, owl)
2) I can express abilities (example: I can jump)
3) I can express inabilities (example: I can’t fly)
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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/17/2024

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