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8 años > Inglés > My house



1- Vocabulary

1.1- Sporty’s bedroom

Today we are having a look at Sporty’s bedroom. Pay attention to the coloured words.

 Hello! Welcome to my bedroom.



There is a desk and a chair  next to the window. There is a green and yellow rug  under my desk and chair. I have a computer  on the desk. There are some pencils   in a pencil jar. There two armchairs  and two shelves  , one over my desk and one over the bed. There are some books on the shelves. My balls are between my bed and the window and my skateboard is on my backpack next to the armchair. My game console is in front of the armchairs. The bedroom door  is behind the two armchairs. 


1.2- Vocabulary practice

Match the objects in Sporty’s bedroom with their names. Number 1 is an example.

1. computer A. 
2. pencil jar B. 
3. armchair C. 
4. shelf D. 
5. rug E.  
6. desk and a chair F. 


1.       F     








Please try to match the objects with their names on your own before having a look at the answers below.

2.       C     

3.       D     

4.       E     

5.       B     

6.       A     



2- Grammar

2.1- Prepositions of place

Study the pictures below. Pay attention to the prepositions of place they show us.


The dog is on the kennel.


The dog is in the kennel.


The dog is in front of the kennel.


The cat is jumping over the box.


The cat is behind the box.


The cat is between two boxes.


The cat is next to the box.


The dog is under its food bowl.


2.2- Practice 1

Look at the pictures and choose the correct option. Number one is an example.

Picture A:


1. There is a clock  (in – over – under) the shelf.

2. The pencil jar is (behind – in front of – between) the books and the computer.

3. There are some books (in – on – under) the shelves.

4. There are some books (in – on – next to) the pencil jar.

5. There is a lamp (in – on – under) the desk.








Picture B:


6. There are some lamps (in – under – over) the sofa and the desk.

7. There is a sofa (behind – under – in front of) the desk.

8. The door is (behind – between – in front of) the desk and the bed.

9. There is window (over – in – under) the bed.

10. There is a rug (between – behind – under) the sofa and the bed. 









Please try to choose the correct preposition on your own before having a look at the answers below.

Picture A:

2.      between        

3.           on            

4.        next to        

5.           on            

Picture B:


6.          over          

7.      in front of     

8.       between      

9.          over          

10.       between     



2.3- Practice 2

Listen and choose the correct picture.



3- Numbers

3.1- Numbers from 20 to 30

Listen to the audio and look at the numbers below.



3.2- Number dictation

Listen to the audio and write the number you hear. Write it in figures (example: 20, 25, etc). Number one is an example.

1.      22     







Please to write the numbers on your own before having a look at the answers below.  Remember you can listen to the audio as many times as you need to.

2.      23     

3.      25     

4.      27     

5.      28     

6.      30     


3.3- Number dictation

Listen to the audio and write the number you hear. Write it in figures (example: 20, 25, etc). Number one is an example.

1.      22             twenty two        

2.      23                                       

3.      25                                       

4.      27                                       

5.      28                                       

6.      30                                       



Please try to think how to write the words on your own before having a look at the answers below.

2.      23             twenty three       

3.      25               twenty five        

4.      27             twenty seven      

5.      28             twenty eight        

6.      30                    thirty            


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Última edición: 06/04/2024

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