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What date is it today?

9 años > Inglés > Lets celebrate

Hello! In this content, we are going to learn the days of the week, the months of the year, the prepositions and structures we need to talk about the different activities we do and when we do them.

1- Vocabulary

1.1- Days of the week

Let’s see how to say the days of the week in English.

We go to school on weekdays from Monday to Friday. We have lessons on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Tuesday is between Monday and Wednesday Tuesday is in the middle of Monday and Wednesday.


Saturday and Sunday are the weekendOn the weekend, we meet friends, families, relax and practice sports.


1.2- Let’s practice

Can you unscramble the letters to make the days of the week?

1.3- Months of the year

Look at the year 2022 calendar below. How many months are there in a year?

There are twelve months in a year: January February March April May June July August September October November December

* Note:  A leap year only happens every four years. In a leap year, February has 29 days instead of 28


1.4- Activity time

Listen to the following poem and answer the questions below:




Thirty days has September, April, June and November.

All the rest have thirty one, excepting February, which has twenty eight and twenty nine in each leap year.

1) How many days are there in September?

2) Which month has only twenty-eight days?

3) Does April have thirty or thirty-one days?

4) How many days does February have in a leap year?



Please try to answer the questions on your own before having a look at the answers below.  You can listen to the audio as many times as you need.

1) How many days are there in September?

There are thirty (30) days in September.

2) Which month has only twenty-eight days?

February has only twenty-eight (28) days.

3) Does April have thirty or thirty-one days?

April has thirty (30) days.

4) How many days does February have in a leap year?

February has twenty nine (29) days in a leap year.


2- Grammar

2.1- Prepositions

We use different prepositions to talk about the days of the week, the months of the year and the years. Have a look at the chart below.


We use






In June.

In 2019.


Days of the week

The weekend

On Monday.

On the weekend.

Between … and …

Two days of the week

Two months of the year


Saturday is between Friday and Sunday.

February is between January and March.

(*) From … to …

Duration of time

My mum works from Monday to Friday.

My dad works from 9 am to 5 pm.  


  • (*) To express when an action starts and finishes we use “from … to …”


My birthday is in June.

We usually go on holiday in January.

We have English lessons on Mondays and Wednesdays.

My brother plays football on the weekend.

Tuesday is between Monday and Wednesday.

July is between June and August.

My mum goes to work from Monday to Friday. She starts work on Monday and she finishes work on Friday. She does not work on the weekend.

My dad works from 9 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon. He starts work at 9 and he finishes at 5.


2.2- Let’s have some practice

Choose the correct preposition to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.


2.3- Simple Present Tense

Remember we use the Simple Present Tense to describe likes and preferences and usual or fixed activities like routines.

Let’s have a quick revision:

Simple Present Tense

Affirmative / Positive (+)


Subject + verb (He/She/it + s/es) + rest of the sentence


I have English lessons on Mondays and Tuesdays.

She goes to the gymnasium on the weekend.

Interrogative / Questions (?)


Do / Does + Subject + verb + rest of the sentence + ?


Do you like pasta?

Does she like football?

Negative (-)


Subject + do (don’t) / does not (doesn´t) + verb + rest of the sentence


We don’t do yoga at school.

She doesn´t have cereal for breakfast.


Remember 1

Wh-question words go always at the beginning of the questions.


What day is it today?

When is your birthday?

Where do you play hockey?

Who does he play table tennis with?


Remember 2

The adverbs of frequency like “always – usually – often – sometimes – never” go before most verbs except the verb be (am – is – are).


He usually walks to school.

He is never late for school.

Remember 3

The adverbs of frequency like “every…” “once a … / twice a … / three times a …” go at the end of the sentence.

For example:

He plays football twice a week, on Mondays and Wednesdays.

They play football every weekend.


Remember 4

We can also use the days of the week to express routines.


She rides his bike on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

We ride our bikes on the weekend (Saturday and Sunday).


2.4- Over to you

Work on the following exercises to practice The Simple Present Tense, prepositions and adverbs of frequency.

A. Look at the pictures below and write sentences.




My sister          plays chess         on Friday


Can you try now? Use: every… – twice / three times a week on + day of the week.





1) My friends  ____________________________________________________






2) My brother __________________________________________________________




3) My friend ________________________________________________________









4) My little brother ______________________________________________________






5) My mum ____________________________________________________________



Please try to solve the activity on your own before having a look at the answers below.





1) Option 1: My friends jump on the trampoline on the weekend.

    Option 2: My friends jump on the trampoline on Saturday and Sunday.





2) My brother plays tennis on Monday.




3) My dad goes running twice a week.

    My dad goes running on Tuesday and Thursday.









4) My little brother goes roller-skating three times a week.

    My little brother goes roller-skating on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.



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Fecha de publicación: 06/03/2024

Última edición: 06/03/2024

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