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9 años > Inglés > Lets celebrate

Hello! In this content, we are going to focus on grammar, how to make questions, how to express possibilities and how to join ideas depending on their meaning.

1- Grammar + Reading comprehension

1.1- Reading a conversation

Read the following conversation between two friends. Notice the words in different colors.

George: Oh, no! We can´t go to the park because It’s raining again. 
James: Don´t worry! We can stay at home and play a board game.
George: Ok. Do you prefer to play cards or Ludo King?
James: Can you use a computer? I prefer to play football online.
George: Good idea! Then we can have a pizza or a hamburger for dinner.
James: Pizza for me, please!


1.2- Understanding a conversation

Read the conversation again, look at both pictures and choose the correct option.


1.3- Understanding “Can”

We use can to express abilities, like “I can play chess” and to express possibilities like “We can have a pizza for dinner”.

The grammar structure is in both cases the same.







Subject + can + verb in the infinitive form + rest of the sentence

Can + subject + verb in the infinitive form + rest of the sentence + ?

Subject + can´t + verb in the infinitive form + rest of the sentence


I can play basketball.

We can watch a movie on TV.

Can you use a computer?

Can you come to the park?

She can´t roller-skate.

They can´t play computer games.


1.4- Putting the theory into practice

Can you put the words into the correct order to make grammatically correct sentences?

1.5- Asking questions

Remember we use Wh-question words to find out / discover new information.

We use

To find out about




What can we do tonight?



Where can we play dice?



When is your birthday?



Who is that boy?



Which game do you prefer to play?

How often


How often do you go to the park?



Why can't we go to the park?

Because it is raining.


1.6- Over to you

Please choose the correct question from the box below to complete the short conversations.

How often do you use a computer?

When can you play video games?

Which boardgame do you prefer chess or dice?

Why can´t we play in the garden?

What’s this game?

Where can we play cards?


1)  A: ______________________

     B: This is my new video game, Super Tower.

2) A: _______________________

    B: I prefer dice to chess.

3) A: _______________________

    B: I can play video games on the weekend.

4) A: __________________________

    B:  I play computer games every day.

5) A: _________________________

    B:  We can play cards in the garden.

6) A: ________________________

    B: Because it is raining.



Please try to write the questions on your own first and then, have a look at the answers below.

1)  A: What’s this game?

     B: This is my new video game, Super Tower.

2) A: Which boardgame do you prefer chess or dice?

    B: I prefer dice to chess.

3) A: When can you play video games?

    B: I can play video games on the weekend.

4) A: How often do you use a computer?

    B:  I use a computer every day.

5) A: Where can we play cards?

    B:  We can play cards in the garden.

6) A: Why can´t we play in the garden?

    B: Because it is raining.


1.7- Conjunctions

We use different conjunctions depending on the context and the meaning of the sentence.

We use

To find out about



Two similar ideas.

I like playing cards and watching TV.


Two different possibilities.

We can play cards or Ludo King.


Two different ideas.

I like boardgames but I do not like chess.


A cause and a consequence.

We can’t play cards in the garden because it’s raining.


1.8- Practice

Choose the correct conjunction to join the two ideas.

1) I am watching TV _____ I am bored.

A. or

B. but

C. because

2) We can play Ludo King _____ we can play cards.

A. or

B. but

C. because

3)  I like playing boardgames _____ I do not like playing dice.

A. or

B. and

C. but


Please try to choose the correct conjunction on your own before having a look at the answers below.

1) I am watching TV _____ I am bored

A. or

B. but

C. because

2) We can play Ludo King _____ we can play cards.

A. or

B. but

C. because

3)  I like playing boardgames _____ I do not like playing dice.

A. or

B. and

C. but

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Fecha de publicación: 06/03/2024

Última edición: 06/03/2024

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