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Vocabulario temático: Héroes y líderes

15 años > Inglés > Outstanding people

1- Héroes y Líderes

The question "Who is your role model?" is a difficult one to answer. So many people have done heroic things that it is hard to choose just one. In addition, there isn't just one type of hero; there are many. 


1.1- What are the types of heroes?

Historical Heroes
First of all, there are many people who are worldwide famous for their heroic deeds. People like Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King are all considered to be heroic leaders. Each of them fought for a cause and achieved results, without resorting to violence. These people were brave, courageous, and loyal to their people.

Pop Culture Heroes
Of course, we also have heroes in popular culture: in books, films and cartoons, to name a few. Superman and Batman are two well-known comic-book heroes. Each Disney story has a hero or heroine: Rapunzel in Tangled, Merida in Brave, and Elsa in Frozen, for example. Lots of young children will often have a fictional character as their hero: someone they admire and aspire to be like when they grow up.



Unsung Heroes
Also, there are unsung heroes. . These are the people who do good things constantly – yet tend not to receive praise for their actions. Think about your mother, your father, or your family. They support you and believe in you and  they help you to achieve your dreams. There are unsung heroes everywhere in the community- teachers, firemen, police officers, soldiers, and doctors to name a few.


1.2- Qualities of heroes 


Heroes and leaders all have some qualities in common. A hero or heroine is someone who does something for the benefit of society and does not seek a reward for his or her actions. They often have to overcome obstacles to achieve their dreams. Heroes are compassionate, empathetic, perseverant, and hardworking.



2- Vocabulary

Role model: Persona que los demás consideran un ejemplo a seguir.

Ex: Oprah is a role model to many young women who are wanting to be in the entertainment business.

Heroes: Persona que es admirada por su coraje, logros sobresalientes o buenas cualidades.

Ex: The contemporary hero is one who stands out against the crowd to fulfil a personal destiny.

Leader: Una persona que posee la combinación de personalidad y habilidades de liderazgo que hace que otros quieran seguir su dirección.

Ex: The leader beckoned the others to follow her.

Admire: Respetar y tener a alguien en alta estima.

Ex: When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.

Brave: No mostrar miedo a cosas peligrosas o difíciles.

Ex: The brave man hazards his life, but not his conscience. 

Unsung: No reconocido o elogiado por el trabajo duro, el coraje, o los grandes logros.

Ex: She was an unsung hero of the British film industry.

Worldwide: En todo el mundo.

Ex: He rose from relative obscurity to worldwide recognition.

Perseverant: Tratar de hacer algo o continuar haciendo algo de una manera determinada, a pesar de tener problemas.

Ex. In general positive people are perseverant and they don't give up easily.

Hardworking: Poner mucho esfuerzo y cuidado en tu trabajo.

Ex. Karen was a model student: hardworking, intelligent and enthusiastic

Empathetic: Tener la habilidad de ponerse en el lugar del otro.

Ex: Cash was also empathetic to Native Americans, believing he was one of them until later in life.

Achieve: Terminar algo o alcanzar un objetivo, especialmente después de mucho trabajo o esfuerzo.

Ex: We will use every possible means to achieve our objective.




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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 06/04/2024

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