
Visitando las atracciones turísticas de Brasil: Indagar sobre precios

11 años > Inglés > Let’s travel

1- Visiting Tourist Attractions in Brazil


SAMMY: I’m going to travel to Brazil this summer with my wife and our 3 children.

JIN: Wow, it sounds really expensive! How much were the plane tickets?

SAMMY: Mmm… they weren’t too expensive considering that there are 5 of us.

JIN: Amazing! Where are you planning to go?

SAMMY: Well, the first place we will visit is the “Christ the Redeemer” statue.

JIN: How much does it cost to get there?

SAMMY: I’ve investigated that and the train tickets are 5 dollars per person.

JIN: Cool! My best friend went to Brazil a few years ago and he told me you should definitely visit “Sugarloaf Mountain”.

SAMMY: Really? What is it?

JIN: It is a popular hill, where people go trekking. It has the best view of the entire city!

SAMMY: That sounds amazing. How much is it?

JIN: He went by bus, and said it was cheap. You should add that to your itinerary.

SAMMY: We will! Also, we are going to visit “Ipanema beach”. People have told us it is absolutely amazing!

JIN: That sounds good! How much are the swimsuits there? You should buy one!

SAMMY: Sure! One thing I’m a little worried about is the money we will spend on food. Maybe you could ask your friend what the price of the food was.

JIN: Yeah, I will ask him. But don’t worry about those things! Everything will be ok! You have to enjoy your vacation! 



2- Asking about prices

Look at the blue questions in the text.

How much were…?
How much does it cost…?
How much is it…?
How much are…?
What the price of…was?

Usamos estas expresiones para preguntar sobre el precio de algo.


We can ask about the price of something in the present or in the past:


2.1- Present


Si planeas un viaje, puedes preguntarle a tu agente de viajes:
How much are the plane tickets? 

Si planeas comprarte un auto, puedes preguntarle al vendedor:
How much is it? 


2.2- Past


Si tu amigo se fue de viaje, le puedes preguntar:
How much were the plane tickets?

Si tu amigo se acaba de comprar un auto, le puedes preguntar:
How much was it?


2.3- Veamos más ejemplos de preguntas:





Singular o plural 

How much is it?

How much is this dress?
How much is that book?

How much does it cost?

How much does this dress cost?
How much does that book cost?

How much are they?

How much are these computers?
How much are those pencils?

How much do they cost?

How much do these computers cost?
How much do those pencils cost?

What is the price of…?

What is the price of this dress?
What is the price of those pencils?





Singular o plural 

How much was it?

How much was this car?
How much was that house?

How much did it cost?

How much did this car  cost?
How much did that house cost?

How much were they?

How much were these rings?
How much were those jackets?

How much did they cost?

How much did these rings  cost?
How much did those jackets cost?

What was the price of…?

What was the price of this car?
What was the price of those jackets?



En preguntas singulares usamos: THIS, THAT.

En preguntas plurales usamos: THESE, THOSE.


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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/20/2024

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USD $46 /3 meses