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Trabajos y Ocupaciones

14 años > Inglés > Jobs

1- Jobs and occupations

Job and occupations are very important issues to think about because in the future, we´ll spend a lot of our time doing this every day. We always have to keep in mind that the occupation we choose should make us really happy.

First let´s understand the meaning of the concepts “Jobs and occupations”

A job, or an occupation, is a person’s role in society.
job is an activity, often regular and performed in exchange for payment. Many people have multiple jobs.
A person can begin a job by becoming an employee or starting a business. The duration of a job may range from temporary up to a lifetime.

2- Vocabulary – Definitions

Now let’s make a review of some jobs and occupations in English

Waiter/waitress: A person who serves you at a restaurant. Works in restaurants and bars.

Paramedic: A person who gives first aid. Works in medical centers and ambulances.

Dentist: A person who takes care of your teeth. Works in dental clinics and hospitals.

Nurse: A person who takes care of sick people in hospitals or clinics.

Electrician: a person who installs, operates, maintains, or repairs electric devices or electrical wiring. Works in houses or businesses and fixes electric issues.

Doctor: A person who treats people when they are ill. Works in hospitals or medical centers.

Surgeon: A doctor who is prepared to perform a surgery. Works in clinics and hospitals.

Secretary: A person who does office work, typing letters, answering calls or e- mails. Works in offices, companies, etc.

Soldier: A person who serves in army. Works protecting important buildings or in wars in other countries.

Construction worker: A person who builds houses or buildings or fixing roads.

Painter: A person who paints houses or buildings / person who makes art paintings.

Mechanic: A person who repairs machines or cars. Works in garages or going directly to houses.

3- Jobs and occupations in context

Now read each job and occupation in context.

Waiter – The waiter brought the next dish.

Paramedic – A paramedic bandaged his foot.

Dentist – You should visit your dentist at least twice a year.

Nurse – The nurse takes care of you after surgery.

Electrician – We need an electrician to mend the switch.

Doctor – The doctor forbids him to smoke.

Surgeon – The surgeon is performing an operation.

Secretary – My secretary will phone you to arrange a meeting.

Soldier – He wants to be a soldier when he grows up.

Construction worker – My father is a construction worker.

Painter – The young painter has exhibits in several art galleries.

Mechanic – The mechanic was busy repairing the machine.

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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/22/2024

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