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The place where I live

7 años > Inglés > My house



1- Introduction: The place where I live

Do you live in a big house or a small house? A house can have different rooms. We can do activities inside and outside our home.




2- Vocabulary: Picture dictionary

Listen and read the words and descriptions.




A house has different rooms.





You can play in your bedroom.



Living room

You can read a book in the living room.




We do the dishes in the kitchen.




We take a shower in the bathroom.






We water the plants in the garden.




2.1- Vocabulary Game

Match the picture with the correct description. Number 1 is an example:



Answer Key: Vocabulary Game



3- Asking for location: Where is…? – Where are…?

We use “where” in questions  to ask for the place or position of a person, animal, object, etc. Let’s learn how to ask for the location of people!

3.1- Asking for location: Where is…?

When we ask for the location of 1 person:

Where +  is +

(Name, noun, or pronoun)

+ ?
Where is Dad ?
Where is your sister ?


Now, look at the answers:


(Name, noun, or pronoun)

is +

Place or location
(in the + room of the house)

Dad is in the garden.
My sister is in the bathroom.


3.2- Asking for location: Where are…?

When we ask for the location of 2 or more people:

Where +  are +

(Name, noun, or pronoun)

+ ?
Where are David and Lucas ?
Where are your parents ?


Now, look at the answers:


(Name, noun, or pronoun)

are +

Place or location
(in the + room of the house)

David and Lucas are in the living room.
My parents are in the kitchen.


Important tip!

We can use names or pronouns in the subject. For example:

Names  Personal names, like: Mary, Luciana, Martin, Leonardo, Claudia and Jenny, etc.

Nouns  my brother, your grandma, my dog, my parents, etc.

Pronouns I, you, she, he, it, we, you, they.


Where is the girl?

The girl is in the bathroom.


Where is the dog? The dog is in the garden.


3.3- Practice!

Look and complete the questions with Where is / Where are:




   Where is    grandpa?

grandpa is in the living room.



Tommy is in the bathroom


2) 3)


Lucy is in the garden.



Annie is in the kitchen.


4) 5)

                      the kids?

They are in the living room.



They are in the bedroom


Answer key:




   Where is    grandpa?

grandpa is in the living room.


   Where is    Tommy?

Tommy is in the bathroom


2) 3)

   Where is    Lucy?

Lucy is in the garden.


   Where is    Annie?

Annie is in the kitchen.


4) 5)

   Where are    the kids?

They are in the living room.


   Where are    they?

They are in the bedroom


3.4- Dialogue: Listen and say




3.5- Complete the conversation:

Becca: Hi Tommy _________________?

Tommy: Hi Becca. Grandma is _______________

Becca: Thank you!



4- Game

Look at the picture and choose the correct room of the house.


4.1- Self-evaluation: Check the box to see what you learnt.

What did you learn? Yes   No 
1) I can name the rooms in a house (bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room).    
2) I can use where is /where are to ask about the place where a person or a things is (example: where is Tommy? where are the kids? )    


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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/17/2024

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