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Tecnología e Informática: Vocabulario temático

13 años > Inglés > Derechos y Deberes de la Juventud

1- What is Technology?

Technology is a set of scientific knowledge and techniques applied in a logical and orderly manner, for practical purposes or applications. 




2- Technology in our lives


Technology is part of our lives, it is in the DNA of our society and many of us couldn’t imagine our life without it.

Every day, we carry out different task using technology. We surf the internet and visit different websites for information, which we download to our computers or laptops. 



Through our smart phones, we post on different social networks, send emails and upload photos. We also use our cell phones as an entertainment tool, to watch videos, download music, play online games or broadcast the latest news.

Moreover, we use several applications to make our everyday life easier, for example there are some apps that can help us find directions and avoid traffic jams, shop online, participate in social media, send text-messages, translate unknown words or even learn a complete new language, so you can also use your smartphones as a learning tool. 


As you may have noticed, nowadays, we are so dependent on technological tools that they’ve become an integral part of our daily life. The use of technology has revolutionized our life, thanks to technology, we can now communicate with people all over the world, using social sites. Technology, also, has made great advances in medicine and science improving our quality of life. Technology has also changed the way we buy and use money, which has practically become virtual.



Let us not forget that the misuse of technology also has serious consequences affecting directly or indirectly our environment. There are many blogs that talk not only about the advantages of using new technologies but also about the disadvantages of not knowing how to use it in an appropriate way. Therefore, if we are mindful about mass media, the computer age can be a great asset. 



3- Technology and IT Vocabulary








A large computer network linking smaller computer networks worldwide.

We use the internet to get information.

Web site


A connected group of pages on the World Wide Web.

I surf online through several websites.



To copy or move programs or information into a computer's memory.

He downloads music to my cell phone



To copy or move programs or information to a larger computer system or to the internet.

We upload photos on social media.



To put up (a public notice or a message) on a wall.

She posts on different web pages.



The act of transmitting speech, music or visual images as by radio or television.

She is training for a career in broadcasting.

Application (app)


Piece of software designed to fulfill a particular purpose.

He uses applications from his cell phone.

Social Media


Websites and app that allow people to communicate and share information on the internet using a computer or cell phone.

Everyone shares their life through social media.

Mass Media


The means of communication such as radio, TV or newspapers.

The mass media has become one of the main instruments of social change.



To cause something to go from one place to another, especially by post or email.

David sends an email to his friend.



The activity of sending someone a text message by cell phone.

He was sending text- messaging during class.

Technological Tools


Digital or physical tool that can expand the human ability for performing tasks or generating products.

I’m very often the word as a technological tool.



A regular record of your thoughts, opinions, or experiences that you put on the internet for other people to read

Sandra likes to look for recipes in the food blog.

IT (Information technology or computing)


Science that studies the automatic treatment of information through computers.

He works in the IT area in a software company.

Computer age


Modern society is considered as the period in which the widespread use of computers has fundamentally changed the lives of people.

The computer age has revolutionized the task of finding available parts.

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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/22/2024

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