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Ser un buen líder: uso de conectores (either…or, neither…nor)

15 años > Inglés > Outstanding people

1- Be a good leader

Is it true that we can either be a leader or a follower but nothing in between? 

All great leaders had been good followers in their pasts. They learn leadership skills from the other leaders who have demonstrated proven skills of leadership and achieved success in life. But what does it take to get there? To become a successful leader, you must.



Face challenges
Neither lazy nor restless. A great leader is brave yet prudent. You should be ready to face challenges and answer for the consequences of your decisions.

Listen and observe
If you are determined to become a leader, you will have to be the best at listening and observing. Either spoken or written, people express themselves with their manners, words, and body language every day. You can tell a lot about a person if you observe them.

Understand yourself
Try to do everything to notice the impact you have on others. If you reach the point when self-awareness is your strength, it means you are ready to go on a long-term leadership journey.

Stay curious
“Millions saw the apple fall, but only Newton asked why.” Curiosity is one of the main traits of a good leader. Stay passionate, curious, and committed to learning something new.

Pursue your passions
Although it is a bit clichéd, it is true that you will never become a leader if you are heading in the wrong direction in your career. Being young allows us to try and understand what is interesting yet beneficial for us. Use your time well. Always keep in mind that neither success nor failure is ever final.



2- Linking words

Palabras que conectan diferentes ideas o argumentos dentro de un texto.

Ayudan a enriquecer nuestros textos, dando fluidez al relato y evitando una secuencia de frases simples o no relacionadas.


Either… or/ Neither…nor What is the difference?

Either… or

Significa "cualquiera", “uno u otro”,

– Usamos la forma "either…or" cuando se trata de elegir entre dos posibilidades de los cuales solamente uno es válido.

Por ejemplo:

“You can either call me at home or the office”.

 Puedes llamarme o a casa o a la oficina.


Neither… nor

 Significa "ningún", "ninguno", "tampoco".

– Usamos esta forma para unir dos conceptos o ideas de los cuales ninguno es válido.

Por ejemplo:

Neither the blue one nor the red are available in size 4”.

Ni el azul ni el rojo están disponibles en la talla 4. 

Mientras either tiene una connotación positiva, neither tiene un significado negativo.


Singular or plural

When using either/or and neither/nor, note the following rules:

1. If both elements are singular, then the verb is singular too.

Either the father or the mother has to attend the meeting.
Singular + Singular = Singular verb

2. However, if one of the elements is plural, then use a plural verb.

Neither the teacher nor the students were in the classroom this morning.
singular + plural = plural verb


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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 06/05/2024

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