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Rooms of the house

8 años > Inglés > My house


1- Ziggy’s house

1.1- Vocabulary in context.

Today we are visiting Ziggy’s home.

 Welcome to my house!!!


A. This is the living-room.

I like it because it is big and comfortable. We can watch TV       in the living room.

B. This is the kitchen.


We eat/have breakfast   in the kitchen.


C. This is the garden.

I play football  in the garden with my friends. 

D. This is the dining-room.



We have/eat dinner    in the dining-room.


E. This is the bathroom.


I have a bath   in the bathroom after playing football.

F. And, my favourite room in the house is my bedroom.

I sleep  in my bedroom every day.


1.2- Practice

Put the letters in order to make words for the rooms of the house.

A. Let’s practice online first. 

B. Now, work on the activity below.

























Please try to work on the answers on your own before having a look at the key below.


























1.3- A short conversation

Read the short conversation between Ziggy and Sporty.




1.4- Gap fill

Complete the following sentence using information from the short conversation above.

Sporty’s favourite place/room in the house is the _____________ because he can ______________ basketball.



Sporty’s favourite place/room in the house is the   garden   because he can    play   basketball.



2- Grammar

2.1- Verbs

A. Read Ziggy’s presentation of his house again. Match the words/phrases on the left with the pictures on the right. There is a new word and a new picture. Can you find and join them?


1. Sleep A. 
2. Watch TV B.   
3. Have/eat breakfast C.  
4. Have/eat dinner D.   
5. Have a bath


6. Play football F.  
7. Study G.  



Which is the new verb?

The new verb is _____________



Please try to match the words/phrases on your own before having a look at the answers below.  Tip!  You can read and look at the pictures in the text in 1.1 again.


Which is the new verb?

The new verb is   study   


2.2- Conjunctions

We use conjunctions to connect ideas, words or phrases.

For example:

I study in the kitchen and in my bedroom.

I play football in the garden but I don’t play football in the living room.

I eat lunch in the kitchen or in the dining room.

My favourite room is my bedroom because it is big and comfortable (I feel happy in my bedroom).

We use To Examples
and join two similar ideas. I like my bedroom and the garden.
but join two different ideas. I play football but I do not play basketball.
or connect two possible ideas. I eat in the kitchen or in the dining room.
because give the reason. I like the garden because I play football there.


2.3- Over to you

First, label the pictures to revise the new vocabulary.



Now complete the sentences using the correct word: and – or – but – because.

1. We have dinner in the kitchen                 the dining room.

2. I can play in the garden                 in my bedroom.

3. I watch TV in the living room                 I do not watch TV in the garden.

4. After school, I play in the garden                 I watch TV in the living room.

5. I like the garden                I can play football there.


Please try to complete the sentences on your own before having a look at the answers below.

1. We have dinner in the kitchen        or       the dining room. (Option 2: and)

2. I can play in the garden       and       in my bedroom. (Option 2: or)

3. I watch TV in the living room       but       I do not watch TV in the garden.

4. After school, I play in the garden        or       I watch TV in the living room. (Option 2: and)

5. I like the garden     because    I can play football there.



3- Writing

3.1- Gap Fill writing

Use the pictures to complete the sentences. Number one is an example.

1.  I    watch TV    in the    living room     .


2. I                       and                      in my                      .


3. I                      in the                       .


4. I                      in the                       .


5. I                        in the                       .



Please try to work on the activities on your own before having a look at the answers below.


2. I     study        and     sleep      in my   bedroom    .


3. I   play football    in the    garden     .


4. I    have a bath    in the      bathroom     .


5. I

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Fecha de publicación: 06/03/2024

Última edición: 06/04/2024

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