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Professions and everyday activities

9 años > Inglés > The city: means of transportations and occupation

1- Vocabulary: occupations and places

1.1- Study the pictures below.

A. This is a clerk

Example: Clerks work in offices and buildings such as the Municipality


B.  Look!  This is a Municipality building.  

Example:  This is a Municipality building.  The Municipality provides services to the people.


C. This is a shop assistant.

Example: Shop assistants work in shops such as clothes shops, like the one in this picture. They also work in malls.


D. This is a Mall.

Example: The mall is a big building full of different shops such as bookshops, clothes shops, cafés, supermarket, etc.


D. This is a teacher.

Example:  Teachers work in schools.


E. This is a school.

Example: Students go to school to learn.


F. This is an airport.

Example: People go to the airport when they want to travel by plane.


G. This is a train station.

Example: People go to the train station when they want to travel by train.


H. This is a drugstore.

Example: People go to the drugstore when they need to buy medicine.


I. This is a library.

Example: People go to the library to borrow books. 


1.2- Vocabulary snack 1

Please remember that you can buy a book at the bookshop (they are yours), but you borrow books at the library because then, you have to return them (they are not yours, they belong to the library).


1.3- Let´s practice:

A. Match the pairs:

Ir a test

B. Choose the correct option:
Ir a test

C. Click on the name that matches the picture on the train wagon:


2- Grammar

2.1- Simple Present Tense, 3rd person singular.

Let´s see how we can talk about other people’s habits and routines.

– Remember we use the Simple Present Tense to 

  • talk about routines (=  usual or fixed actions)
  • express likes and preferences
  • talk about timetables (= organization of events)

– How do we make it for the 3rd person singular (he-she-it)?

  • Affirmative / Positive sentences:  Subject / Person + verb+s/es (likes – plays – goes – works – watches – travels) 

Be careful with:

Study  Study – y + I + es = Studies
Have  changes into has. (I/we/you/they have – He/she/it has)


She goes to the supermarket every Friday after work.

The dog (it) likes sleeping on the sofa.

He has swimming lessons on Wednesday.

  • Interrogative sentences / Questions:  Does + subject / person + verb (like – play – go – work – watch – have) + ?  (*) 

Note that in this case, the “s” or “es” is in the auxiliary “Does”, so the verb is in the infinitive form, the basic form (study – have – play – go – behave)


Does he play football at the weekend?

Does she travel to work by train?

Does the dog (it) behave well?


  • Negative sentences:  Subject / Person + does not (doesn’t) + verb (like – play – go – work – watch – have)

Note that in this case, again, the “s” or “es” is in the auxiliary “does does not / doesn’t”, so the verb remains in the infinitive form, the basic form (study – have – play – go – behave)


He does not start work at noon. (midday).(*)

She doesn´t work at the airport.

The dog (it) does not like apples.


(*) Remember that noon / midday means at 12.00 (lunch time)

(*) When we answer this kind of questions, we simply say yes, or no, + Subject / Person + does / does not (doesn´t). These are called short answers because we do not give extra information.  We only check information by saying “yes” or “no”.


Example 1: 

Does he like football?

– Yes, he does   (affirmative / positive answer)

– No, he doesn’t. / does not. (negative answer)


  • When we want to find out more information, we need the Wh-words: Questions words: Who – When – Where – What – Which – How (This is the only one that begin only with “H”)


Example 1: 


Where does she work?


She works in a Mall


Example 2: 


When does he play football?


He plays football on Sunday.

Let´s round it up!


Simple Present Tense
Affirmative / Positive (+) Structure Subject + verb + s/es + rest of the sentence

He goes to school in the morning.

She works in a shop.

Interrogative / Questions (?) Structure Does + Subject + verb + rest of the sentence + ?

Does he read a book in the evening?

Does she cook every day?

Negative (-) Structure Subject +  does not (doesn´t) + verb + rest of the sentence

He does not work at the weekend.

She doesn´t have cereal for breakfast.


Simple Present Tense
Asking and answering questions
Yes / No questions Structure

Does + Subject + verb + rest of the sentence + ?

Yes, Subjectdoes

No, Subjectdoes not (doesn´t)


Does he play listen to music in the morning ?

Yes, he does

No, he does not (doesn´t)

Does she have a salad for lunch?

Yes, she does

No, she does not (doesn´t)

Wh-  questions Structure Where / Who / When / Which / What + does +Subject +verb + rest of the sentence + ?

Where does she work?

She workat the zoo


When does he wash his car?

He washes his car at the weekend.



2.2- Let’s practice

A. Put the words in the correct order to make proper sentences:


2.3- Adverbs of frequency

Let´s see how we can talk about how frequently (often) we do things or things happen.

  • These adverbs of frequency go before the verb (play – watch – work – go)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday  
X X X X X always
X X   X X usually
X   X   X often
  X   X   sometimes



I always go to work by train.
He usually watches TV after dinner.
Do you often play tennis during the week?
He sometimes arrives late.

However, these adverbs of frequency go after the verb be (am – is – are)


He is often late.
Is she always in a good mood?
We are always happy on holiday.
I am never bored.


In the case of:

  • Every … (day – week – Saturday – weekend)
  • Once a … (day – week – month – year)
  • Twice a …  (day – week – month – year)
  • Three times a …  (day – week – month – year)
  • On …  (day – week – month – year)

We need to place them at the end of the sentence.


We always have pizza for dinner on Friday.
We are sometimes tired in the evening.
We have pizza for dinner every Friday.
She is often ready for school.
She always has cereal for breakfast.
She has cereal for breakfast every day.

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Fecha de publicación: 06/03/2024

Última edición: 06/03/2024

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