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9 años > Inglés > How do you feel?

1- How do you feel?

1.1- Questions and answer

It is very important to know how other people feel, to start a conversation about feelings, there are many questions we can use.



The first step to make questions, is to know that we need to swap the position of the verb with the position of the subject, like this:



You are sick  Let’s swap  Are you sick?

She is fine  Let’s swap  Is she fine?



2- Questions

2.1- To be questions

We can ask with “to be” verb and with auxiliary do/ does and we can use the words “why” and “how”


Why verbo to be sujeto sentimiento


Why are you sad?


Why are you angry?

Why is she sad?


Why is he tired?


How is she?


How is he?


2.2- Auxiliary questions

What is an auxiliary?
Auxiliaries are words that help us form questions in English. To talk about feelings, we need "do" and "does". They help the verb ‘feel’ to make questions

Why auxiliar do/does sujeto feel sentimiento


Why do you feel happy? Why does she feel sick? Why do they feel sad?
Why does she feel sick? Why do they feel sad? Why Does he feel cold?
 How do you feel? How does she feel? How do we feel?



3- Answer questions

Now, we are going to learn how to answer when somebody asks us how we feel. 


3.1- How to answer questions with “to be” verb

If the question starts with “WHY”, you have to add the word “BECAUSE” followed by the subject and the same verb tense.


Why are you here? Because I want to see you.

Why is she cold? Because she lost her coat.

Why are they happy? Because they play football.

Why is he hungry? Because he eat few food.


If the question starts with “HOW”, you can answer like this:

How are you? I am happy.

How is she? She is ashamed.

How are they? They are sick.


3.2- How to answer questions with the auxiliary “do/does”

If the question starts with “HOW”, you can answer without the auxiliary “do/does

How do you feel? I feel fine.

How does she feel? She feels happy.

How do they feel? They feel sad.

How does he feel? He feels ashamed.


If the question starts with “WHY” You need to add “BECAUSE” followed by the subject and the same verb tense.

Why do you feel sad? Because I miss my friends.

Why does she feel happy? Because she drinks Coca-Cola.

Why do they feel mad? Because they lost the game.

Why does he feel glad? Because he eats cake.


If the question has the auxiliary does you should add an “s” to the verb in the answer, like this:

How does she work? She works hard
How does he feel? He feels good
How do you feel? I feel good

Also, it is important to say that for any verb, you need to put an “s” at the end, when the subject is third person singular “HE” “SHE” “IT”


3.3- Learn how to say no


If you don’t know why you feel a certain way, you can answer “I don’t know”. But not so fast, you should also add more information to your answer. The information you need is in the question.

Why is she mad? I don’t know why she is mad.

Why do you feel happy? I don’t know why I feel happy.

How do you feel? I don’t know how do I feel.

How is she? I don’t know how she is.  

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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/20/2024

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