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Places in the City

7 años > Inglés > I want to be a…


1- Introduction: The City




2- Vocabulary: Places in the City

2- Vocabulary: Places in the City
Read and listen to the descriptions below.




My mom is a doctor.

She works in the hospital.




Police Station


My dad is a police officer.

He works in the police station.




Fire Station


My mom is a firefighter.

She works in the fire station.







My dad is a teacher.
He works in the school.




Swimming pool




I swim in the swimming pool.








I play with my friends in the park.




Train Station




I take the train in the train station.






I buy food in the supermarket.






I eat pizza in the restaurant.






I go shopping in the mall.



2.1- Practice Activity

Complete the dialogues with places in the city from the box below (). Number 1 is an example.




police station




Dialogue 1



Dialogue 2


Dialogue 3

Dialogue 4


Dialogue 5


Dialogue 6


2.2- Game!

Match the actions with the places in the city.


3- Asking for Location: Where…? In the…

We use “where” to ask for location (places in the city).

Example question: Where do you work?”


We use “in the” + place in the city to express location.

Example answer: “In the hospital.


Now, let’s read the dialogue:



3.1- Game: Where do you…?

Match the questions 1-5 with answers A-E.

1. Where do you buy food?



A. In the restaurant.

2. Where do you take the train?



B. In the park.

3. Where do you eat pizza?



C. In the supermarket.

4. Where do you ride your bike?



D. In the school.

5. Where do you study?



E. In the train station.


Answer Key (3.1- Game: Where do you…?)

1. Where do you buy food?   C. In the supermarket.

2. Where do you take the train? E. In the train station.

3. Where do you eat pizza? A. In the restaurant.

4. Where do you ride your bike? B. In the park.

5. Where do you study? D. In the school.



4- Self-evaluation: Check the box to see what you learnt

What did you learn? Yes   No 
1) I can name places in the city.
2) I can ask for location: “Where do you buy food?”, etc.
3) I can express location: In the park, In the hospital, etc.


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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/17/2024

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