
Pets around the world

8 años > Inglés > The Natural World



1- Vocabulary

1.1- Pets

Let’s have a look at some pets and their colors.



A. This is a dog.

It is a brown dog.

B. This is a puppy.

A puppy is a baby dog.

C. This is a cat.

It is a beautiful brown cat.

D. This is a kitten.

A kitten is a baby cat.

E. This is a bird.

It is yellow, orange and black.


F.  This is a parrot.

It is green and orange.

G. This is a fish.

It is yellow and orange.


1.2- Over to you

Please complete the words with the missing vowels (a-e-i-o-u).




This is a P   A   R R   O    T.


This is a K __ T T __ N.


This is a B __ R D.


This is a F __ S H.


This is a D __ G.


This is a C __ T.


This is a P __ P P __.


Please try to complete the words on your own before having a look at the answers below.


This is a K   I   T T   E   N.


This is a B   I   R D.


This is a F   I   S H.


This is a D  O   G.


This is a C   A   T.


This is a P   U   P P   Y  .


1.3- Game

Read the description and choose the correct pet.





2- Numbers

2.1- Revision on numbers 1 to 10

Let’s have a quick revision on numbers.

2.2- Practice

How many can you see? Count and write the correct number.


How many cats can you see? Choose the correct option.

A) Six
B) Eight
C) Nine



1- How many fish can you see?  Choose the correct option.

A) Three
B) Six
C) Nine



2- How many birds can you see?  Choose the correct option.

A) Three
B) Six
C) Nine




3- How many cats can you see?  Choose the correct option.

A) Two
B) Four
C) Six



4- How many parrots can you see?  Choose the correct option.


A) One
B) Three
C) Five


5- How many dogs can you see?  Choose the correct option.

A) Five
B) Seven
C) Nine


6- How many pets can you see?  Choose the correct option.

A) Five
B) Seven
C) Nine




Please try to work on the answers on your own before having a look at the key below.

1- How many fish can you see?  Choose the correct option.

A) Three
B) Six
C) Nine



2- How many birds can you see?  Choose the correct option.

A) Three
B) Six
C) Nine



3- How many cats can you see?  Choose the correct option.

A) Two
B) Four
C) Six



4- How many parrots can you see?  Choose the correct option.


A) One
B) Three
C) Five


5- How many dogs can you see?  Choose the correct option.

A) Five
B) Seven
C) Nine


6- How many pets can you see?  Choose the correct option.

A) Five
B) Seven
C) Nine




3- A conversation

3.1- Talking about pets

Read the following conversation.



Learning Tip!

What’s its name?   its possession

Its name is Browny  Its (without apostrophe “´”)

My name is Ziggy  My  possession

This is my cat.  Its name is Whiskers  Its  possession


How old is it?  is  verb “be”

It is (It’s) five. (with or without apostrophe “´”)

3.2- Practice

Choose the correct option to fill in the conversations below.  The first blank is an example.

Conversation 1:

How old is it?    –     What’s its name?


Bob:    This is my pet.

Ty:         What’s its name?  

Bob:    Its name is Boxer.

Ty:       __________________

Bob:    It’s three.


Conversation 2:

It’s four   –     Its name is Blue.


Ty:       This is my pet.

Bob:    What’s its name?

Ty:       ________________________

Bob:    How old is it?   

Ty:       ________________________


Conversation 3:

It’s four   –    What’s its name?


Sasha:  This is my pet.

Tracy:  ________________________

Sasha:  Its name is Malvin.

Tracy:  How old is it?

Sasha: ________________________



Please try to complete the conversations on your own before having a look at the answers below.


Conversation 1:

How old is it?    –     What’s its name?


Bob:    This is my pet.

Ty:         What’s its name?  

Bob:    Its name is Boxer.

Ty:              How old is it?       

Bob:    It’s three.


Conversation 2:

It’s four   –     Its name is Blue.


Ty:       This is my pet.

Bob:    What’s its name?

Ty:          Its name is Blue.   

Bob:    How old is it?   

Ty:                 It’s four          


Conversation 3:

It’s four   –    What’s its name?


Sasha:  This is my pet.

Tracy:        What’s its name?    

Sasha:  Its name is Malvin.

Tracy:  How old is it?

Sasha:             It’s four.              


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Fecha de publicación: 06/03/2024

Última edición: 06/04/2024

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