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Palabras útiles y para preguntar

10 años > Inglés > The place where I live

1- Questions and use of English

When you want to ask for more information about something or someone, you must use specific words such as: what, where and who. These words are call WH- Questions.


1.1- Use of What

We use WHAT to ask for information about a thing or an action. 


What’s your favorite  room?
My favorite room is my bedroom 

What’s in the bedroom?
There is a big bed.


1.2- Use of where

We use the word WHERE to ask for information about a place or position.


Where is your brother? 
He’s in the living room 

Where is the sofa? 
It’s in the living room 

1.3- Use of Who

We use the word WHO to ask for information about a person or people.


Who’s in the dining room?

He’s Tom, my son.


Who’s sitting next to Grandma Anny?

She’s Laura, her granddaughter. 



2- Use of English

2.1- There is/are

We use there is or there are to describe things that exist in a room or that we can see. We use there is when we have a singular object (only one thing) and there are when we have plural objects (2 or more things). 





A table


Two desks





A table


Any desks



In the kitchen, there is a clock on the wall. There are two cups on the table, and a glass full of coffee.


2.2- Use of a/an

A/An are indefinite articles in English that we use with singular nouns. Both have the same meaning, but we use them depending on the initial sound of the word that comes next.



There is a clock on the wall

There is a lamp on the table

There is an armchair in the living room


2.3- Possessive words

We use my and your, to say who owns something. 

I say “my” when I talk about something that belongs to me.

I say “your” when I talk about something that belongs to someone else.



This is my house

This is my dog

What’s your favorite room?

Where’s your baby brother? 

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Fecha de publicación: 06/03/2024

Última edición: 06/03/2024

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