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Palabras para preguntar: How many – How – Which

11 años > Inglés > Around town

1- Question words

Question words are very important if we want to ask for specific information, in fact, they are a form of communication. If you want to ask about quantities, manners or choices you must use different question words. 


1.1- How many

We use HOW MANY to ask about quantity, it is used with countable nouns


How many counties are there in South America?


There are 13 countries in South America


How many free museums are there in Santiago?


There are 26 free museums in Santiago



We use there is or there are to give information about something that exists or that I can see.



a museum

a restaurant

a police station

an airport




bus stations

three hotels

two banks




  • There is a museum 
  • There isn’t a police station.
  • There are shops.
  • There aren’t two banks.


1.2- How

We use HOW to ask about the manner or way that something is done

How can I get to the hotel?

It’s next to the supermarket 


Use of English:

How about you? (idiomatic expression – informal English)

If you want to ask somebody his/ her opinion or decision concerning the last thing you said, you use the expression: How about you?  

I love carrots! How about you?

My mum is a very good cooker. How about your mum?


1.3- Which

We use WHICH to ask a person about his or her choices.


Which city shall we visit next? Paris or Madrid? 

 I think that going to Paris a visiting the Eiffel Tower would be wonderful. 


Which building do you prefer? the post office or the train station?

I prefer the post office building.

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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/20/2024

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