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Now or Every day?

8 años > Inglés > My house



1- Grammar

1.1- Permanent or Temporary situation

Let’s read the grammar explanation below to study the difference between the two tenses.

We use the Simple Present Tense to talk about “Permanent” situations, actions we frequently do, routines.

For example:  I go to school every day.

                        I watch TV in the evening.

                        I play football on Saturday afternoon.


We use the Present Continuous Tense to talk about “Temporary” situations, on-going actions, actions that are happening now or around this time.

For example:  It is 8 o’clock in the morning now, so I am going to school.

                        It is 7 o’clock in the evening and I am watching TV.

                        Today is Saturday, so I am playing football.


Let’s read a conversation between Ziggy and Sporty.

  Hi, Sporty! When do you play basketball?


  Hi, Ziggy! I play basketball on the weekend.

  What time do you play basketball?


  I play basketball in the morning.

  What do you do in the afternoon?


  I watch basketball on TV in the afternoon.

  It is 3 o’clock in the afternoon now. What are you doing?


  I am watching basketball on TV at the moment. What are you doing?

  I am talking to you!


Can you see the verbs in blue? They express actions we normally do, routines, permanent situations.

Can you see the verbs in green? They are expressing actions we are doing at the moment, now. They are describing a temporary situation.


1.2- Time expressions

We use different expressions to talk about “Permament” and “Temporary” situations.

We use: to describe Example

Every day

On Wednesday

On the weekend

Permament situations.

I play tennis on the weekend.

I study every day.

I use the computer on Wednesday.


At the moment

Temporary situations.

I am watching TV now.

I am studying at the moment.


1.3- Over to you

Let’s have some practice now.  Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentences.

1. I ____________ basketball on the weekend.

     a) play                        b) am playing


2. What ____________ at the moment, Ziggy?

     a) do you do               b) are you doing.


3. When ____________ TV?

    a) do you watch         b) are you watching


4. I ____________ now.

    a) study                      b) am studying


5. I ____________ to school on the weekend.

    a) don’t go                  b) ‘m not going


6. We ____________ having lunch now.

     a) don’t have              b) aren’t having



If you need help to work on the exercises, remember you can revise how to make questions, affirmative and negative sentences

– In the Simple Present Tense by clicking here (Contenido 2 – Expressing Possession)

– In the Present Continuous Tense by clicking here (Contenido 4)

Only after revising and trying to complete the sentences on your own, have a look at the answers below.

1. I           play           basketball on the weekend.

     a) play                        b) am playing


2. What   are you doing   at the moment, Ziggy?

     a) do you do               b) are you doing


3. When  do you watch TV?

    a) do you watch         b) are you watching


4. I   am studying   now.

    a) study                      b) am studying


5. I       don’t go      to school on the weekend.

    a) don’t go                  b) ‘m not going


6. We   aren’t having   having lunch now.

     a) don’t have              b) aren’t having



2- Vocabulary

2.1- Parts of the day

Study the pictures below.


2.2- Practice

Choose the correct picture. Number one is an example.

1. In the afternoon

Picture A Picture B

It is picture      A    

2. At night

Picture A Picture B


It is picture            


3. In the evening

Picture A Picture B

It is picture            


4. In the morning

Picture A Picture B


It is picture            


Important tip!

We say:

In the morning – In the afternoon – In the evening

At night



2.3- Days of the week

These are the days of the week.




Important tip!

We say:

 On Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, on Thursday, on Friday, on Saturday, on Sunday.

Saturday + Sunday = the weekend

We say:

On the weekend.




3- Putting everything into practice

3.1- Listening comprehension

Listen to the audios and choose the correct alternative. Number one is an example.



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Fecha de publicación: 06/03/2024

Última edición: 06/04/2024

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