
My address and phone number

7 años > Inglés > My house



1- Introduction: My address and phone number


Where do you live?

Houses can be different in structure:

They can be small or big.

You can live in a house, an apartment,

a cabin, a condominium, etc.


There are different kinds of houses. We classify them by their structure:

a) A house: A house has a ground floor and can have upper storeys.



b) An apartment: An apartment is a house in a building which can have several floors.





c) A cabin: A cabin is a house in the woods or a remote area.




d) A Condominium: A condominium is a closed group of houses and buildings.




e) An igloo: An igloo is a type of house built from ice blocks. Inuit families live there.



1.1- Vocabulary activity

Look at the pictures. Can you name the type of houses? 

Complete the names of the houses.

a) _ g _ _ o

b) h _ _ s _


c)  _ a _ i _

d) C _ n _ _ m _ _ i _ m


e) a _ a _ t _ _ _ t











Answer key: Vocabulary activity

a) igloo

b) house


c) cabin

d) Condominium


e) apartment











1.2- Game: Matching

Look at the pictures (A – E) and match them with the correct definition (1 – 5).



Answer key: Vocabulary activity




2- Where do you live?

We use affirmative sentences    to say where we live. Look at the structure:

I + live + in + a/an + type of house

I live in a house. 

Subject   +

Live       + In  + a/an      + Type of house
I live in a apartment
You live in an house
He lives in a igloo
She lives in an condominium
It lives in a cabin
We live in a house
They live in an apartment


English Tips

We add a letter -s at the end of the verb live when the subject is:

It   Examples:             Carlos lives in a house.

                                      My dog lives in a house.

She   Examples:         Paula livein an apartment.

                                      My friend lives in a cabin.

He  Examples:            Joaquín lives in a condominium.

                                      My cousin lives in a house.


We use negative sentences    to indicate negation or denial. Look at the structure:

I + don’t/doesn’t live + in + a/an + type of house

I don’t live in a house 

Subject   +

Don’t/doesn’t Live       + In  + a/an      + Type of house
I don’t live in a apartment
You don’t live in an house
He doesn’t live in a igloo
She doesn’t live in an condominium
It doesn’t live in a cabin
We don’t live in a house
They don’t live in an apartment


English Tips

We use doesn’t + the verb live when the subject is:

It   Examples:             Carlos doesn’t live in an igloo.

                                      My dog doesn’t live in a house.

She   Examples:         Paula doesn’t live in an apartment.

                                      My friend doesn’t live in a cabin.

He  Examples:            Joaquín doesn’t live in a condominium.

                                      My cousin doesn’t live in a house.


2.1- Numbers

Let’s review numbers!


2.2- Activity: Listen and choose the correct option


a) 8

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5



a) 6

b) 9

c) 7

d) 1



a) 2

b) 3

c) 9

d) 6



a) 2

b) 4

c) 9

d) 5


Answer key activity: listen and choose the correct option.



a) 8

b) 3

c) 4

d) 5



a) 6

b) 9

c) 7

d) 1



a) 2

b) 3

c) 9

d) 6



a) 2

b) 4

c) 9

d) 5


2.3- What’s your phone number?

a) Listen to the recording and complete the idea.



What’s your phone number?

My phone number is   __  __  __  __  __  __


b) Listen to the recording and complete the idea.



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Fecha de publicación: 06/03/2024

Última edición: 06/03/2024

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