
Months and Seasons

6 años > Inglés > What’s the weather like today?



1- Introduction: Seasons of the Year




1.1- Listening and Reading



Hi, I’m Tommy. My favorite season is summer! The weather is sunny  and hot  . In Summer, I go to the beach and eat ice cream. 





Hello! I’m Zoe. My favorite season is autumn! The weather is windy  and cloudy . In Autumn, tree leaves are orange, red, yellow, and brown.




Hi, I’m Leo. My favorite season is winter! The weather is snowy , rainy  and cold  . In Winter, I drink hot chocolate and play in the snow. 



Hello! I’m Clara. My favorite season is spring! The weather is partly cloudy  and hot  . In Spring, I plant flowers and play in the park. 



1.2- Activity

Label the picture with the correct seasons of the year.



2- Vocabulary: Months of the Year



A year has 12 months. Let’s study them!














2.1- Listening: Months of the Year

1) The 1st month is January.


2) The 2nd month is February.

3) The 3rd month is March.

4) The 4th month is April.

5) The 5th month is May.

6) The 6th month is June.

7) The 7th month is July.


8) The 8th month is August.

9) The 9th month is September.

10) The 10th month is October.

11) The 11th month is November.

12) The 12th month is December.



2.2- Practice Activity

Match the months with the descriptions.



3- Self evaluation


I understand
I need help
I don’t understand yet


I can …

Name the months of the year.  
Identify seasons of the year.  


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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/17/2024

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