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Mi ciudad natal: Vocabulario temático

13 años > Inglés > Going places

1- My hometown



My hometown is in the countryside. It is quite small but has a lot of different places where you can hang out with friends. For example, there are a few department stores, where we go shopping every weekend! There is also a lake, where families can enjoy together.



My hometown is huge! I live near downtown, so there are many places where you can go to, and it is easy to move around town because you can take the subway. There is a theater where companies present plays every Friday. There is also a museum that has many different artworks from renowned artists.



My hometown doesn’t have many interesting places, but I really enjoy spending time in the café that is right in front of my house. It is cool to spend time alone there on rainy days. There is also a bookshop that I visit almost every day! I love reading, so it is my favorite place. I usually buy a book there, and then go to the café to read it.



My hometown is full of older people, I’m one of the few young people there. There aren’t many interesting places to visit, but there is a huge cathedral near the railway station and a few more churches around the block. At least there is a  beach where I spend most of my time.



My hometown is always crowded. It is next to the most popular mountain in my country, so many tourists come here and take the train at the railway station or take the bus at the bus station to get there. We also have the largest airport in the country, which is full of restaurants and there’s a big supermarket.



My hometown is located on the largest island of the Pacific Ocean. It is touristic, so there are a lot of hotels, and some campsites for people who prefer nature. Also, visitors can spend over the night in these great places during their visit.



2- Vocabulary

¡Let’s clarify some vocabulary!


Bookshop v/s Library


Bookshop = Librería 

A bookstore is a place where various types of books are sold. They are not freely accessible and in order to read one, you must purchase it first.


Library = Biblioteca

A library is a place where there are various types of books. They are freely accessible and you can take them home for a period of time. You don’t need to purchase them but you usually require a registration to become a member in order to have access to all its resources.


Cathedral v/s Church


Cathedral = Catedral

The cathedral is the "seat" of the churches organizations. They tend to be quite large and majestic on its decoration


Church = Iglesia

The church is a usually small and tend to be more austere than the cathedral. Many churches can be found within a community


Department store v/s Market


Department store = Mall / Centro Comercial

Large establishment that has a wide variety of stores.


Supermarket = Supermercado

Commercial establishment that sells food and household products. Clothing and electronic items are also sold in some supermarkets.


Railway station v/s Underground


Railway station = Estación de ferrocarril

Place with one or more platforms where passengers take or get off the train. It is usually a means of transport between remote places, either, different cities or even countries.


Subway = Metro

It is usually an underground construction, where passengers can travel between close places, mainly within a specific city.

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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/22/2024

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