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Members of my family

7 años > Inglés > My house



1- Introduction: Members of my family

Is your family big or small? What is your friend's name?

Families are very important because they share with us.

Families can be big or small.




2- Vocabulary: Picture dictionary


This is my family.

A family is important.

Families can be big or small.




This is my dad.

My dad is tall.

He plays with me.



This is my mom.

My mom is loving.

She takes care of me.



This is my brother.

My brother is my friend.

I love my brother!





This is my sister.

My sister is funny.

She is my friend.





This is my grandma.

My grandma is loving.

She takes care of me.




This is my grandpa.

My grandpa is my friend.

We play games together.





This is my friend.

My friend’s name is Erick.

We play games in the park.





These are my parents

My parents are great!

I love my parents.






This is my cousin Mia.

She is my friend.

We play together.




2.1- Vocabulary Game

Match the picture with the correct description. Number 1 is an example:


Answer Key: Vocabulary Game




3- Grammar: Verb to be

Let’s see how to use the verb -to be to tell the condition of people, things, places and ideas. We can use

verb -to be in affirmative sentences   negative sentences   and questions .


3.1- Affirmative sentences 

We can use the verb to be to talk about names, ages, feelings, nationalities, and professions.


I am seven years old.


She is six years old.


They are friends.


3.2- Negative sentences  

When we need to say that something is not true about names, ages, feelings, nationalities, and professions.


I am not six years old.


She is not seven years old.


They are not friends.

3.3- Questions 

We use the verb to be to make questions about names, ages, feelings, nationalities, and professions.


Is she six years old?


Are they friends?






See the table below to review the use of present simple of verb be.

Person Verb to be affirmative / negative (the rest)
I am / am not seven years old.




is / is not six years old.




are / are not friends.


verb to be Person   Answer
Is he / she / it six years old? Yes, he is. No he is not
Are you / we / they friends? Yes, we are. No we are not


3.4- Practice!

Look and complete the sentences with verb – to be: Look for the clues .


1) 2)
  She _____ two years old.    It _______ my house. 


3) 4)
  ____ they friends?      They _______ friends. 


Answer key:

1) 2)
  She is two years old.    It is my house. 


3) 4)
  Are they friends?      They are not friends. 




4- Dialogue: Listen and repeat



