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Lugares y elementos de una ciudad

11 años > Inglés > Around town

1- Places around the city

When you visit a new city, there are many places where you can go. If you need to buy something you can go to the shopping center or the supermarket, if you want to spend some time with your family you can visit a park or a famous restaurant. 


1.1- Places to go when you need to buy something: 

Depending on what you need to buy, you can go to bookshops, supermarkets, shopping centers, pet shops, among others.






1.2-  Places to go when you want to travel: 

If you are traveling by plane you should go to the airport, if you are traveling by bus should take the bus at the bus station. If you want to stay in the city for a couple of days you should book a hotel to stay in. 




Bus station


1.3- Places to go when you want to pray: 

Depending on your thoughts or religion, if you want to pray you should visit a church.




1.4- Places to go when you want to have fun or spend time with your family:

If you want to spend some time with your family and have fun at the same time you can visit a zoo, go to a popular restaurant, or a famous museum






1.5-  Places to go when you need money: 

If you need some cash, make a deposit or exchange money you can go to a bank, an ATM or a foreign exchange agency




Foreign exchange agency


1.6- Places to go when you need medical attention: 

If you are feeling sick or if you had an accident you should go to a hospital.




If you are visiting a new city and you get lost or need some help, go to the nearest Police Station or a Fire Station. 


Police station

Fire station


1.8- Looks this dialogue:


Where do you live? I live in a big city called Santiago in Chile.
Where is that city?  It’s located in the middle of the country.
How many interesting places are there? There are museums, zoos, restaurants, bookshops.
Where can you go to have dinner? You can go to a typical restaurant.
Where can you go to spend time with your family? You can go to the zoo, museums or parks.
Where do you get medical help? You can ask for medical attention at the hospital.
Which transportation do you prefer?  I prefer the subway because is faster.


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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/20/2024

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