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Los sentimientos

9 años > Inglés > How do you feel?

1- How are you feeling?

As humans, we all have feelings, and these feeling change depending on what is going on in our lives.


1.1- Feelings

There are many words to describe how we feel. We can describe feelings, and we can also describe the state our body feels













1.2- Express how do you feel

To express how you feel, we can use the verb “feel” after a person, for example:


I feel tired
Yo me siento cansado
sujeto verbo adjetivo


More examples:

I feel sick

I feel sad


I feel good


I feel glad


I feel mad


1.3- Use verb to be

Also, we can use the verb “to be” to describe how we feel, for example:


I am sad
Yo estoy triste
sujeto verbo to be adjetivo


I am happy


I am angry

I am unhappy



1.4- Remember

Remember: you can use both options to describe how you feel. 

I am tired / I feel tired.

I am happy / I feel happy.

I am alone / I feel alone.



2- Let’s read, listen and learn

Paola: Hello, Gabriel!

Gabriel: Hi, Paola!

Paola: How are you?

Gabriel: I am sad

Paola:  why are you sad?

Gabriel: I am sad because I lost my toy.

Paola: That is very bad.

Gabriel: Yes. How are you?

Paola: I feel happy because I have a dog.

Gabriel: That is good.

Paola:  Bye, Gabriel.

Gabriel: Bye, Paola.

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Fecha de publicación: 06/03/2024

Última edición: 06/03/2024

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