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7 años > Inglés > I want to be a…


1- Reading

Listen and read about Harry.



1.2- Activity: Reading comprehension

1. Read and choose the correct answer.

Harry wants to be…






2. Read and choose the correct answer.

Harry’s mom is…

a. a doctor

b. a teacher

c. a chef


3. Read and choose: True or false?

Harry’s mom Works in a bank.


a. True 

b. False 

4. Read and choose the correct answer.

Harry’s dad is a…





5. Complete the sentence: Read and choose the correct answer.

He is _________________________

a. cooking dinner

b. teaching English

c. driving a car


6. Read and choose: True or false?

‘Every weekend we go to school by car.’

a. True 

b. False 

7. Read and choose: True or false?

‘Every weekend we go to the park by car.’

a. True 

b. False 



Answer key

1. b
2. a
3. b
4. c
5. a
6. b
7. a



Listen and read about Sarah.



1. Read and choose the correct answer.

Sarah is a _________________________

a. a dentist

b. a nurse

c. an artist


2. Read and choose the correct answer.

Jenny is a…





3. Read and choose: True or false?

Jenny works in a school.

a. True 

b. False 

4. Read and choose the correct answer.

Sarah can ________________ but she can’t ________________






5. Read and choose the correct answer.

Jenny can ________________ but she can’t ________________






Answer key

1. a
2. b
3. a
5. c
6. a



2- Vocabulary activity: Jobs

Look at the picture and decide: True or false?



3- Communicative English

What do you want to be when you grow up?


3.1- Communicative English

How do you go to school?

Look at Wendy’s timetable and write sentences. a. is an example for you


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday



a. On Mondays I go to school by bike.

b. On Tuesdays                                                            

c. On Wednesdays                                                      

d. On Thursdays                                                          
e. On Fridays                                                              


Answer key

b. On Tuesdays I go to school by bike.

c. On Wednesdays I go to school by bus.

d. On Thursdays I go to school by car.

e. On Fridays I go to school by bus.

3.2- Communicative English: What are you doing?

Choose the correct answer and win the contest!


3.3- Communicative English: Expressing abilities

Choose the correct answer.


Self-evaluation: Check the box to see what you learnt.

What did you learn? Yes   No 
1) I can read a short text and answer questions.

2) I can identify occupations: She is a teacher, he is a chef, etc.

3) I can talk about means of transport: by bike, by car, by bus.
4) I can identify actions in progress: She is running, I am studying.
5) I can express abilities: I can swim in the swimming pool, I can’t cook in the library.


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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/17/2024

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