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La modernización en los medios de transportes: Contrastar información

11 años > Inglés > Let’s travel

1- Modernization in the means of transport

The way we travel has changed significantly throughout time. From horses, to modern cars. Let’s find out just how much the means of transport has evolved.



1.1- Horses

Travelling by horse is considered the first means of transport in the history of the world. In fact, it is still used by many people even now. Despite being considered a slow and tiring transportation, it is highly preferred by tourists when taking a short trip to be able to see some amazing places.


1.2- Boats and Ships

These aquatic means of transport are still heavily used nowadays. Sometimes, the terms boat and ship are used interchangeably, but they are not the same. The main difference is their sizes. A boat is small, and a ship is big. A ship can carry an entire boat. However, a boat cannot carry a ship.


1.3- Trains

Trains are still a very popular means of transportation because they are often considered as a “pollution-free” means of transportation. However, this depends on the type of train used to travel. An electric train would be a perfect means of transport if you’re trying to help the environment.


1.4- Bicycle

The bicycle is considered as the best way to travel in the modern world. It is pollution-free, it helps you exercise, and it is more accessible to people. Although they have all these benefits, there is one big disadvantage in its use: they are not considered a “safe” means of transport due to their weak construction for protection of the rider and the high risk of destruction when confronted with an accident.


1.5-  Airplanes and Helicopters

These means of transport are considered as the fastest way to get somewhere. However, we need to put into perspective the distance we intend to travel. If we are looking for a means of transport to use within short locations, then we wouldn’t use an airplane or a  helicopter, even if they are faster. Both of these transportations are extremely expensive and therefore, not accessible to everyone.

1.6- Car

Cars are the most used means of transport around the world. Since they were first developed, cars have been considered revolutionary. Now, there are many options to choose from. In spite of the growing numbers of cars in the world, there are still many companies developing new models every day that are more time and energy efficient. 




2- Contrasting information

Pay attention to the highlighted words in the text. 



In spite of




These are “linking words” that show contrast.


We use linking words to join ideas together when we're talking or writing. Sometimes we want to link two ideas that are different from each other. In these cases, we use certain words such as:


2.1- BUT (pero)

Esta palabra es la más común para contrastar ideas.

Se ubica entre las dos ideas contrastantes, y siempre va luego de una coma ( , ).


I tried to lift that box, but it was too heavy for me.
I want to become a teacher, but I don’t know if I can. 


2.2- HOWEVER (sin embargo)

Se ubica al comienzo de una oración, siempre seguida de una coma ( , ).

Se considera como más formal que “but”.


He is really nice. However, I don’t want to be his friend.
My cat is really fat. However, she still keeps on eating a lot.


2.3- ALTHOUGH (aunque)

Usualmente se ocupa al comienzo de una oración.

No se usa coma ( , ) luego, pero sí le sigue un sujeto y un verbo.


Although I go to the gym every day, I am not losing weight.
Although she loves cookies, she wants a cake instead. 


2.4- DESPITE  /  IN SPITE OF (a pesar de)

Pueden ir al comienzo o al medio de una oración.

Siempre son seguidas de un sustantivo o un gerundio.


We won the game in spite of having two injured players.
Despite the rain, we had a great time. 


2.6- Some examples:


I want to travel the world. However, I still don’t have enough money to do it.


I bought a bicycle despite having back problems. I’m still going to use it, because it is a cleaner form of transportation.


I didn’t want to buy a car, but now I think I will. It will be easier for me to go to work every day.

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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/20/2024

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