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It’s hot in summer!

8 años > Inglés > My clothes

1- Vocabulary



1.1- Seasons

Let’s look at the following chart with the four seasons of the year.

1.2- Practice

A. Please help the frog reach the shore.


B. Put the letters into the correct order to make the names of the seasons.

1.3- The weather

Now, let’s have a look at the different kinds of weather.

It’s hot   and sunny in Summer .



In Fall  , it’s windy  and rainy 



In Spring  , it is sometimes sunny  , cloudy  ,  or partly cloudy .


It’s cold and stormy  in Winter . And, in some places it snows .


1.4- Let’s practice

Choose the correct weather description to complete the sentences.

1.5- Summer clothes

Look at our characters’ summer clothes.




Important tip!

It is a dress  singular

They are sandals  Plural

Singular  It is a …

Plural  They are …


1.6- Over to you

Choose the correct option according to the picture.



2- Grammar

2.1- Asking questions

We use “What” to begin a question about clothes. Let’s read the following example:


This is the correct grammar structure:

What is Sasha wearing? singular What + is + subject + wearing?

What is Bob wearing? singular What + is + subject +  wearing?

What are Ty and Ziggy wearing plural What + are + subject + wearing?

What are Ziggy and Sasha wearing plural What + are + subject +  wearing?


2.2- Let’s have a quick activity

Please join the two halves of the sentences

1) What is                                          a) Ty and Sasha wearing?

2) What are                                        b) Ziggy and Bob wearing?

3) What are                                        c) Tracy wearing?

4) What is                                          d) Austin wearing?

1) ______

2) ______

3) ______

4) ______



Please try to solve the activities on your own before having a look at the answers below.

1) Option 1   c     What is Tracy wearing?

    Option 2   d     What is Tracy wearing?


2) Option 1    What Ty and Sasha wearing?

    Option 2   b    What are Ziggy and Bob wearing?


3) Option 1   a    What Ty and Sasha wearing?

    Option 2   b    What are Ziggy and Bob wearing?


4) Option 1   c    What is Tracy wearing?

    Option 2   d    What is Tracy wearing?

2.3- Let’s have some practice: Grammar + Vocabulary

Look at the pictures and complete the short conversations. Number one is an example.

Important tip!

Sasha  girl, singular  She is wearing

Austin  boy, singular  He is wearing

Ty and Ziggy boy + boy,  plural  They are wearing

Sasha and Tracy  girl + girl,  plural  They are wearing

Ty and Tracy  boy + girl,  plural  They are wearing



1) What is Sasha wearing?

She is wearing shorts, a T-shirt and sunglasses.


2) What is Ty wearing?

He is wearing ______________________.


3) What      Austin wearing?

He _____ wearing __________________.


4) What are Ziggy and Bob ________?

_____ are wearing __________________.


5) What ___ Sasha and Tracy ________?

They _____ wearing __________________.



Please try to work on the answers on your own before having a look at the answers below.

2) What is Ty wearing?

He is wearing shorts and a T-shirt.


3) What  is  Austin wearing?

He  is  wearing pants and a shirt.


4) What are Ziggy and Bob wearing?

They are wearing shorts and flip flops.


5) What are Sasha and Tracy wearing?

They are wearing dresses and sandals.


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Fecha de publicación: 06/03/2024

Última edición: 06/04/2024

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