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Identificar y describir ocupaciones

14 años > Inglés > Jobs

1- Jobs and occupations expressions

In previous modules, we introduced definitions and vocabulary related to the topic “Jobs and Occupations”

There are some expressions used when talking about jobs and occupations:



To ask: What is your job? 
To answer: I work as a (job or occupation) in (place of work/ company).

To ask: What do you do?
To answer: I’m a (job or occupation)

To gain further information :

What does a job/occupation do? 
Where does a job/occupation work? 



2- Some jobs and occupations descriptions:

In this lesson, we will identify and describe jobs and occupations that people do.


Read this description about a boy’s job:

I’m a firefighter in a fire station. It’s such an important job, and I love the variety. I used to work at the supermarket, and it was so boring. It wasn’t as varied as being a firefighter. So, working here is better than putting people’s stuffs on bags. Of course, it’s dangerous and it’s not as clean as working in a supermarket, but it’s also more interesting.


Notice: we use adjectives in order to describe a job/occupation. 

  • Important: importante
  • Boring: aburrido
  • Better than: mejor que
  • Dangerous: peligroso
  • Interesting: interesante


A construction worker is someone who designs buildings and houses. 


He is a construction worker;  he is a very approachable person because he works well with other people.


A Baker is someone who makes bread and cakes and normally works in a bakery.


She is a baker; she is a creative person because she develops original ideas with everything she bakes. 


A chef is someone who prepares food for others, often in a restaurant or café.


Tamara is a chef in a famous restaurant; she is very organized in her work.


A dentist is someone who can fix problems you have with your teeth. They work in a clinic.


He is a dentist, and he never misses a day of work. So, he is a responsible person.


An electrician is someone who works with electric circuits.


He is an electrician and he is very meticulous.


A secretary is someone who is employed in an office and types letters, keeps records, etc.


She is a secretary, she is good at accomplishing multiple tasks.   


There are some helpful words to describe a person:

Approachable: Accesible – Creative: creativo/a – organized: organizado/a – responsible: responsable – Meticulous: meticuloso – Good at: bueno/a en.


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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/22/2024

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