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How many cookies do you eat?

8 años > Inglés > Food


1- Grammar & Vocabulary 1

Let’s learn about actions!

1.1- Using verbs in context

Ziggy is interviewing other school monsters.  He is asking them about the food they like, cook and eat.

Conversation 1:

  What food do you like  ?


  I like pizza and sandwiches but I love  hamburgers. Hamburgers are my favourite food.


  And…. What drinks do you like  ?


  I like  orange juice.


Conversation 2:


  Hello! What are you doing?


     I am cooking.

  What are you cooking?


     I am cooking fish. Fish is my favourite food. 


Conversation 3:


  Hello! What are you having for lunch today?


     I am eating a salad. I love  eggs, lettuce and tomatoes.

  And, what are you drinking?


     I am drinking water today.


Conversation 4:

     Hello Ziggy! Do you want some ice cream?

  Yes, please. I love  ice cream.

     Here you are.

  Thank you.


1.2- Let’s practice

Match the verbs with their pictures. There is one extra verb phrase “don’t like”. Can you identify it?


1. Eat / have A.
2. Drink B.
3. Like C.
4. Love D.
5. Cook E.
6. Want F.
7. Don like G.




Please try to match the pictures with the verbs on your own before having a look at the solution below.





1.3- Writing: Gap Fill

Choose the correct verb to fill in the blanks in the conversations below. Use each verb only once.


eat  –  like  –  drink  –  have  –  love  –  want  –  cook  –  don’t like


Hello!  Do you remember me? I’m Stacy. I                     salads

and I                      pizza but I                     sandwiches

and I                        hamburgers.

I always                       milk and cookies for breakfast.


At the moment I am                    ing   an apple 

and I am                    ing  orange juice  .


My mum is                    ing  dinner.  I                      pizza for dinner.



Please try to complete the text on your own before having a look at the solution below.

Hello!  Do you remember me? I’m Stacy. I    like   salads

and I   love    pizza but I   don’t like    sandwiches

and I   hate      hamburgers.

I always   have      milk and cookies for breakfast.


At the moment I am  eating   an apple 

and I am  drinking  orange juice  .


My mum is  cooking  dinner.  I   want    pizza for dinner.



2- Grammar & Vocabulary 2

Let’s review the numbers!

2.1- Numbers 1 to 30

Let’s have a quick revision on numbers. Listen and choose the correct number.



2.2- Expressing quantities

We use the phrase “How many” to ask about quantities.  We answer with a number (quantity). Let’s see some examples.

Example 1:

  How many cookies do you have for breakfast?


  I eat three   cookies.


Example 2:

  Let’s have a salad    for lunch.


 Great idea! How many tomatoes  do we need?


  We need four tomatoes. 


 How many eggs   do we need?


  We need three eggs .


 Wow! Can we eat lunch now?


  Yes, we can. Here you are.


 Thank you.


2.3- Over to you

Fill in the blanks with “How many” or a number. Use the pictures to help you.

  How many balloons   do we need for the party?


  We need                          balloons.



                      sandwiches do we need?


  We need                      sandwiches.



                      hamburger do we need?


  We need                     hamburgers.



                      pizzas do we need?


  We need                        pizzas.



  Are we ready for the party?


  Yes! Let’s have a party   !


Please try to complete the conversation on your own before having a look at the solution below.

  How many balloons   do we need for the party?


  We need   eighteen         balloons.



   How many   sandwiches do we need?


  We need   twenty seven     sandwiches.



    How many   hamburger do we need?


  We need   thirteen   hamburgers.



     How many   pizzas do we need?


  We need   twenty three     pizzas.



  Are we ready for the party?


  Yes! Let’s have a party  !



3- Question words

Let’s review some “wh- words” to ask questions.

3.1- Revision on “What / Which” – “When” – “Where” + “How many”

Learning Tip!

Remember we use when to ask about time


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Última edición: 06/04/2024

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