
How are you today?

6 años > Inglés > In my classroom

1- Introduction: A dialogue

2- Vocabulary

These greetings are used when you see someone, or you arrive to a place.

Hello, my name is Julia.

Hi, I’m Damian.

This greeting is used during the morning, for example when we wake up.

Good morning! Today is Saturday!

This greeting is used during the afternoon, for example after we have lunch.

Good afternoon, Let’s have lunch!

This greeting is used during the evening, for example when we have dinner.

Good evening Thomas!
– Good evening Lara! Let’s have dinner.

This greeting is used at night, for example when we go to bed.

Good night! Tomorrow I’m going to the park.

These greeting are used when we leave a place or at the end of the day.

Good bye kids! See you tomorrow!

Bye! Take care.

See you soon Andrew! Have a great weekend!

Bye Lea! See you later!
3- Grammar


How are you today?

I’m great! I’m going to the park this afternoon!

How are you today?

I’m very well. I slept well.

How are you today?

I’m not ok. My stomach hurts.

How are you today?

I’m fine! Today it’s Friday!

How are you today?

I’m good. Today I’m going to see my friends.


4- Activity

Let’s practice the different greetings:

Look at the images and complete the greetings.


Good _________________


Good _________________


See you  _________________


_________________, how are you today?


_________________, see you later


How are you today?  _________________, and you?


a) Good morning

b) Good night

c) See you later / soon

d) Hello / Hi, how are you today?

e) Good bye / Bye, see you later

f) How are you today? I’m happy / fine / very well / great / good, and you?

5- Self evaluation

I understand
I need help
I don’t understand yet
I can …
Name parts of the day
Name greetings
Identify the order of the parts of the day
Identify the use of greetings
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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/17/2024

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