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Healthy and Unhealthy Food

7 años > Inglés > Delicious food



1- Introduction: The Food Pyramid

The food pyramid shows different food groups. We eat them every day!







2- Vocabulary: Food

Let’s learn new words: healthy foods and junk foods.



2.1- Healthy Food

Healthy food is good for us. It has a lot of nutrients: vitamins, minerals, water, proteins, etc.











2.2- Junk / Unhealthy Food

“Junk” or “unhealthy” foods have a lot of salt, fat, and sugar. They are bad for us!

Read and listen.



2.3- Activity

Classify the food: healthy or unhealthy.



3- Communicative function: Connecting Ideas

Let’s learn how to connect ideas about food!



3.1- “And”: Adding Items

We use the word “and” to link two or more items, objects, etc. For example:

Tomatoes   and bananas  are healthy food.


Potato chips     and ice-cream  are junk food.


3.2- “But”: Expressing Contrast

We use the word “but” to connect 2 opposite ideas. For example:

Tomatoes  are healthy but potato chips   are unhealthy.


Fish  is healthy food but hamburger  is junk food.




4- Practice Activity

Complete the ideas with the correct word: and or but. Number 1 is an example.

1) Pizza   is unhealthy but lettuce   is healthy.


2) Legumes  are healthy _____ ice-cream  is unhealthy.


3) Donut  _____ popcorn are unhealthy foods.


4) Fries are unhealthy _____ broccoli   is healthy.

5) Nuts  _____ pineapple  are healthy foods.



Answer Key

1) Pizza   is unhealthy but lettuce   is healthy.


2) Legumes  are healthy but ice-cream  is unhealthy.


3) Donut  and popcorn are unhealthy foods.


4) Fries are unhealthy but broccoli   is healthy.

5) Nuts  and pineapple  are healthy foods.



5- Interactive Activity

Label the food in the picture.




6- Self-evaluation: Check the box to see what you learnt


What did you learn? Yes   No 
1) I can name foods.
2) I can connect two items/foods using “and”.
3) I can connect opposite ideas using “but”.


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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/17/2024

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