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7 años > Inglés > Delicious food


1- Words

Let’s learn some words to describe flavors.


Taste helps you to tell the difference between flavors in your mouth.





Has the taste of sugar. Examples: sugar, fruit, and honey.





Has the taste of salt. Examples: salt, cheese, and salami.






Has the taste of organic acids. Examples: lemons, tomatoes, and oranges.





It has a very good taste. Example: Pancakes are delicious.




It has a bad taste. Example: a broccoli ice cream is disgusting.




1.1- Vocabulary activity: Flavors

Match the pictures with their names.




Answer key

1. c
2. d
3. b
4. f
5. e
6. a


1.2- Vocabulary activity

Win the quiz show! Choose the correct answer.



1.3- Vocabulary activity

Drag and drop words to reorder them.




2- Communicative English: What does it taste like?

Listen to the dialogues.









2.1-Communicative English activity

What does it taste like? Choose true or false.



2.2- Communicative English activity

Find the answers in the word search. Then write them.











Answer key

1. Tomatoes taste sour.
2. Hamburgers taste salty.
3. Cupcakes taste delicious.


2.3- Communicative Activity

Listen and choose the correct answer.




a. Lemon juice tastes sour. 

b. Cupcakes taste sweet. 






a. Bananas taste sweet.


b. Bananas taste salty.





a. Pasta tastes delicious. 


b. Chicken tastes delicious. 


Answer key

1. b
2. b
3. a



3- Self-evaluation: Check the box to see what you learnt


What did you learn? Yes   No 
1) I can identify and name flavors: Sweet, salty, sour, delicious, etc.
2) I can write sentences using flavors: cheese is salty, cupcakes are sweet.
3) I can answer the question: What does it taste like?: bananas taste sweet, lemons taste sour.


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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/17/2024

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