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Expresar cantidad, contar y enumerar

15 años > Inglés > Globalization and communication

1- Expressing the amount of something
1.1- Introduction

There is a lot of sand in the desert.

There are many flamingoes in the park.

There is a little bit of water in the glass.

There are just a few people in the swimming

1.2- Quantifiers

Quantifiers are words we use when we want to express the amount, or the quantity of something. The most common ones are much – many – little – few – some and a lot of. In order to use the appropriate quantifier, we need to identify if the word is countable or uncountable, i.e. if we can or cannot count the items.

For countable nouns For uncountable nouns
A great amount of something Many
A lot of
A lot of
A medium amount of something Some Some
A little amount of something Few Little

If you are not sure about a word, you should ask: can I use a number before the noun?

E.g: Can I say “two water” or do I have to say “two glasses / bottles of water”?

If you can use the word with a number, it means it is countable, but if you can’t, it is uncountable.

1.3- Examples of countable and uncountable words

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns
Apple Advice
Bus Beauty
Child Cereal
Clock Equipment
Coin Jewellery
Cup Garbage
Dish Happiness
Flower Information
Holiday Love
Idea Milk
Job Money
Life Pasta
Monkey Salt
Movie Time
Suitcase Work

1.4- Read carefully the following dialogue
Mary:   Tomorrow is mom’s birthday, what can we do for her?

Anne:  How about taking her into the cinema?

Mary:   No, she is not a big fan of movies; I think she has only watched 2 movies in the whole year.

Anne: Ok, can we get her some jewellery?

Mary:   I’m sorry but I’m broke, we need something cheaper.

Anne:  I have an idea! We can prepare a meal for her, I can make some pasta, you know she loves it!

Mary:   That’s great! But don’t make too much pasta, because I’m going to prepare an apple pie for dessert.

Anne:  Lovely! What do you need?

Mary:   Mmm, I need a lot of apples, a ½ bottle of  milk, 2 cups of flour, some salt and sugar… I think we have all the ingredients in the kitchen

Anne:  And I will pick up many flowers so we can decorate the house for her.

Mary:   Great! She is going to love it!

The highlighted sentence shows how to use uncountable nouns with numbers, adding the words bottle and cups. There are plenty other words we can use to count an uncountable noun, some of them are: bag, box, glass, jar, piece, slice, spoonful.

2- Cardinal numbers

The cardinal numbers (one, two, three, etc.) are adjectives referring to quantity.

They are:

Ones Teens Twenties Thirties
0 zero 10 ten 20 twenty 30 thirty
1 one 11 eleven 21 twenty-one 31 thirty-one
2 two 12 twelve 22 twenty-two 32 thirty-two
3 three 13 thirteen 23 twenty-three 33 thirty-three
4 four 14 fourteen 24 twenty-four 34 thirty-four
5 five 15 fifteen 25 twenty-five 35 thirty-five
6 six 16 sixteen 26 twenty-six 36 thirty-six
7 seven 17 seventeen 27 twenty-seven 37 thirty-seven
8 eight 18 eighteen 28 twenty-eight 38 thirty-eight
9 nine 19 nineteen 29 twenty-nine 39 thirty-nine


ones hundreds thousands+
1 one 100 one hundred 1.000 one thousand
2 two 200 two hundred 10.000 ten thousand
3 three 300 three hundred 100.000 one hundred thousand
4 four 400 four hundred 1.000.000 one million
5 five
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Fecha de publicación: 06/03/2024

Última edición: 06/04/2024

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