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Expresar cantidad aproximada

15 años > Inglés > Technology and its effects

1- Express approximate amount

A large amount of / A large number of / A small amount of / A small number of.


We use a large amount of paper in the office every day.


I found a large number of old photos in the basement.


There is a small amount of snow in the mountains.


There are a small number of passengers on the bus.



Look at the following chart


A large amount of

It means there is a lot of something.
(Significa que hay mucho de algo).

It is used only with uncountable nouns.
(Se usa solo con sustantivos incontables).

A large number of

It means there is a lot of something.
(Significa que hay mucho de algo.)

It is used only with countable nouns.
(Se usa solo con sustantivos contables.)

A small amount of

It means there is NOT a lot of something.
(Significa que hay poco de algo).

It is used only with uncountable nouns.
(Se usa solo con sustantivos incontables).

A small number of

It means there is NOT a lot of something.
(Significa que hay poco de algo).

It is used only with countable nouns.
(Se usa solo con sustantivos contables).



There are some other words we can use to replace “large” or “small”.

To replace the word “large” we can use:

  • A big amount / number of…
  • A great amount / number of…
  • A considerable amount / number of…


For example:

We drink a big amount of coffee at the office.

There were a great number of people at my party.

We save a considerable amount of money buying this car.


To replace the word “small” we can use:

A few number / amount of…

A little number / amount of…


For example:

A few number of companies would accept the new offer.

My cousin said he would share a little amount of his gold.


Look at the following examples

Directives use a great number of different argument types.

He spent a large amount of time to finish the report.

This year, we have only a little number of honeybees.

This new soda contains a small amount of sugar.

Near the rainforest lies a big amount of gold, said the old man.

A considerable number of houses have been occupied.

This movement requires a great amount of oil.

A large number of students volunteer each year for environmental projects.

I have small number of things I want to talk to you about.

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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 06/04/2024

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