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Elementos para hacer deportes: Describir deportes

12 años > Inglés > Sports and free time activities

1- Sports

1.1- Practice sports


My name is Mark and I love team sports! My favorite team sport is football, this sport has lots of benefits. For example, it improves your health and your social skills. As a team player you need to communicate and understand your team buddies. In my opinion, football develops social skills, it’s exciting and fun to watch.



Hi there! We are Cristina and George, we have been exercising together since we were 20, a long time ago!  Doing exercise improves our physical and mental health. Although it can be an individual sport, it’s more enjoyable to work out with friends, it keeps you motivated, and it is fun too.


Hello! My name is Meredith and I am the captain of the basketball team at my school. We practice together every week. Basketball is quite popular in my city. We usually have competitions, we won last year, and we will win this year too! Basketball is fun to play, makes you stronger and faster. I love playing basketball with my friends!


1.2- Let’s remember some sports:

Besides knowing the meaning of the word in Spanish, it’s also useful to know more things about each sport. Look at the following descriptions:

  • Swimming: It’s a sport in which you wear a swimsuit and move underwater using your own body.
  • Tennis: It’s a game played on a court by two players or two pairs equipped with rackets that hit a small ball back and forth.
  • Basketball: It’s a competitive game played by two teams in a court, the idea is to throw a ball inside a basket to score points, the team with more points wins.
  • Football: It’s a competitive game played by two teams in a field, the idea is to kick a ball and to score goals.
  • Running: It’s an individual activity in which you only need your feet and a pair of trainers to move as fast as you can. It can be competitive (as in races or a marathon) or recreational.
  • Yoga: It is a practice that aims to put mind, body and spirit together through a series of body movements and breathing exercises on a mat.
  • Skating: It’s an activity that consists of gliding on ice skates or roller skates. It can also be competitive as in races or artistic ice skating.
  • Boxing: It’s a competitive sport in which two people, wearing protective gloves, punch each other during a determined amount of time in a ring.




2- Describing sports

To describe sports, we usually use adjectives or phrases that give quality or characteristic. 

The structure of these sentences is: 


Sport + is + adjective/phrase

Swimming is challenging (adjective)

Football is a team sport (phrase)


Frequent Adjectives to describe sports

Frequent phrases to describe sports








Excellent to get fit

Great to work in teams

Develops team work, strength, flexibility, etc.

Good for your mental/physical health

Fun to watch

Fun to play


Pay attention to the following examples:

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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/20/2024

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