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El reciclaje: Expresar posibilidad (could)

12 años > Inglés > Green Issues

1- Let’s learn about recycling

1.1- What is recycling? 

It is the process of separating our trash into different categories in order to be converted into new materials or elements. The four categories are: Paper, glass, organic material and plastic. 

This process is a way of solving a huge problem that we are facing nowadays, which is the accumulation of trash. 



1.2- What are the stages of this process?

Recycling is just one of the three main processes to have a more sustainable life. The other two processes are:

Reducing: This means to minimize the “waste” produced by consumption. For example, to avoid plastic bags when buying something.
– Reusing: This means “use again”, to avoid discarding products that you could use them again with the same purpose or you could find a new use for them. For example, a plastic bottle could become a pencil case. 


1.3- What can I do to help?

If you want to help, find the nearest recycling center in your city to separate your trash according to their materials (glass, paper, plastic, etc.). Also, tell your friends and motivate them to recycle too!



2- Use of Could


2.1- Let’s remember: What are the modal verbs? 

The modal verbs are a type of auxiliary verbs that express: ability, possibility, permission and obligation.


The affirmative structure is the following:

Pronoun + modal verb + base form + complement


2.2- ¿When do we use “could”?

– We use “could” as the simple past of “can”, to express ability from the past. 
– Also we use it to express possibility, something is possible, but we are not sure that it happens now or will happen in the future. 
– In questions “could” is used to ask permission or to ask something to someone. 


You could clean the parks near your house.


Could you pass me your plastic bottles?


We could get all the money from this recycling trip last week.


Could you help me with this bag?


This project could save thousands of trees last year.


We could have started recycling earlier, but there weren’t enough people before. 


You could get with your friends and clean parks together.


Could you pay attention, please? This project will be really important for our community.


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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/20/2024

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