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Describir frecuencia, tiempo, grado de acciones

15 años > Inglés > Technology and its effects

1- How often… / How many times…


How often…?

How many times…?

Is used to ask questions about the frequency of an event.

It doesn’t require a specific period of time, it can be in general.

For example:

How often do you go to the cinema?

I don’t know how often he should read a book.

Is used to ask questions about the exact amount of times of an event.

Requires the context of a specific time period.

For example:

How many times have you seen your favourite film?

How many times a week should I take her to school?

The answers to these questions, are usually:

Frequency adverbs. E.g:

  • Always  
  • Sometimes
  • Never

Frequency phrases. E.g:

  • Every day
  • Once a day*

The answers to these questions are always:

A numeral adjective. E.g:

  • Five times
  • Three times
  • Twice
  • One time
  • Once*



You have to be careful with the expressions once a… / twice a… / three times a… / four times a… / etc.

When you ask a question using “How often”, you must indicate the period of time in your answer. E.g:

A: How often do you to the church?
B: I only go twice a year.

When you ask a question using “How many times”, the period of time may be included in the question or not, so sometimes you don’t need to mention it again. E.g.:

A: How many times has Sue read the book Harry Potter?
B: She has read it five times.

A: How many times a week do you exercise?
B: I exercise three times (a week).



2- Let's practice:

Look at the following sentences to make things clearer:




How many times do you go to the store?


This doesn’t make sense assuming that it’s a question standing all by itself with no context, because nobody knows the exact number of times he or she has gone to the store in his or her life.

How many times do you go to the store in one week?


Here, we have a period of time, so we can know the number of times we have gone to the store.

How often do you go to the store?


This question doesn’t give you a period of time, but it doesn’t ask for a number either, just a frequency adverb to give a general idea.

How often a week do you play tennis?


When we use “how often” we don’t need a period of time because we are asking in general terms.

How many times do you play tennis?


It is impossible to know the exact number of times you have play tennis in your life, so, unless you have a context, this question would be incorrect. 

How many times a week do you play tennis?


In this case, we have a period of time, this makes it possible to use “how many times”.


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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 06/04/2024

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