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Describiendo el arte: Vocabulario temático

14 años > Inglés > The arts

1- Describing art

Urban art is highly popular nowadays. This term combines street art and graffiti and is often used to summarize all visual art forms arising in urban areas. Although urban art started at the neighbourhood level, where a lot of people of different cultures live together, it is an international art form with an unlimited number of uses nowadays. Many urban artists travel from city to city and have social contacts all over the world. Because the urban arts are characterized by existing in the public space, they are often viewed as vandalism and destruction of private property. Despite the often “bad” classification of this type of art, many people consider it original, and sometimes they are willing to “lend” their properties’ walls to these types of artists, so that they can create something unique, giving their neighbourhoods a more modern aspect.


Concerts are considered as an innovative but timeless form of entertainment. A concert is a live music performance in front of an audience. The performance may be by a single musician, which is sometimes called a recital, or by a musical ensemble, such as an orchestra, choir, or band. Concerts are held in a wide variety and size of settings, from private houses and small nightclubs, dedicated concert halls, arenas and even sports stadiums. Informal names for a concert include shows and gigs. When asking people why they attend concerts, most of them answer that there is nothing more breathtaking than seeing your favorite artist performing right in front of your eyes. They add that it is really surprising to realize that the artists they listen to on the radio or in their phones, are real living people, who exist outside those devices.


Museums are one of the most preferred places to go to when you visit a new city. Why is that? Because a museum usually contains and represents the culture of that place. In museums, you can find rare and exotic pieces of art in addition to revolutionary paintings of famous artists. Although many museums opt for the “classical” form of exhibiting art, a lot of new art galleries and exhibitions provide a more futuristic approach on art. For example, using different technologies to appeal to the new generations, and in this way, motivating them to attend to these places, with the purpose of preserving the importance and popularity of these art-packed places.


Ballet is a very singular type of  dance that originated during the Italian Renaissance in the 15th century and later developed into a concert dance form in France and Russia. It has since become a popular, highly technical form of dance with its own creative vocabulary based on French terminology. It has been globally influential and has defined the foundational techniques used in many other dance genres and cultures. Ballet has been taught in various schools around the world, which have historically incorporated their own cultures and as a result, the art has evolved in several unusual ways.


1.1- Let’s see the highlighted words.


• original → original
• unusual → inusual
• revolutionary → revolucionario
• innovative → innovador
• singular → particular
• creative → creativo
• modern → moderno
• futuristic → futurista
• surprising → sorprendente
• breathtaking → asombroso
• rare → raro
• unique → único
• exotic → exótico
All these words are
Usamos los adjetivos para describir algo o alguien, en este caso, para referirnos a diferentes formas y obras de arte.


Cuando describimos una obra de arte en detalle, por ejemplo, una pintura, podemos ocupar las siguientes frases. 



Además, existen ciertas expresiones usadas para describir el arte desde distintos enfoques:


Sobre lo que se puede ver “objetivamente”:

–    It can be seen…
–    The colours are…
–    The technique used…
–    It shows…

Sobre lo que se puede apreciar “subjetivamente”:

–    It symbolizes…
–    It expresses…
–    The artist meant to…
–    I feel / I think / I believe…



In this painting we can see several houses on the left and right, and a canal in the middle. The colours are breathtaking, a mixture of vibrant and pastel, which I think symbolizes the duality of the artist.


This painting shows a bedroom with a few elements all over it. I think it looks messy, as if a child painted it, but I feel like that is what makes it so unique.


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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/22/2024

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