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Cultura y costumbres en el mundo: Vocabulario temático

13 años > Inglés > Countries, Cultures and Customs

1- Different cultures and customs from around the world

If we take a look at the different countries around the world, we will find a wide range of traditions and customs, which may be very different compared to the ones you are use to in your home country. As you may know, there are 6 different continents on our planet, this is why we are going to make a quick review of their main traditions and customs so you can learn more about their cultures. 


1.1- Europe

This continent has a great cultural diversity, marked by its history and weather.

The traditional food in Germany is not only fried sausages and beer. In fact, Germany has the largest variety of breads in the world, being the most representative: the pretzels.

If you travel to United Kingdom, you cannot leave the country without having a cup of tea, it is a tradition. If you visit any house there, the first thing that they are going to offer you is a cup of tea with cookies or a piece of cake.

The Eiffel tower is one of the most popular symbols of France, it is 324 meters tall and it is located in Paris, its capital city. Moreover, the Eiffel Tower is one of the most visited monuments in the world.

Spain is known for its several festivities, such as The San Fermin Festival, The Tomatina of Buñol and The Fallas of Valencia Festival in which people burn giant papier- mâché sculptures the last day of the event.




1.2- Oceania

Oceania is a continental group formed by numerous islands where the Maori Culture stands out.

In New Zealand, there is a traditional Maori war dance known as “Haka”. This war dance became popular due to the national rugby team players, who performed it before each game.

Australia it is popular because there are many endangered species living in Australia, specifically marsupials like kangaroos and koalas. In addition, one of the most representative symbols of Australia is the Sidney Opera House, located in Sidney, the most populous city in Australia. 




1.3- Asia

In Asia there are different religions and cultures with very particular traditions.

For example, In the Arab nation it is a custom to eat using your hands, specifically, your right hand. In most Arab countries they don’t use tables to eat, usually, they place the food on a rug and sit around it to eat.

In Japan, people greet each other by bowing. In fact, there are different ways of bowing depending on who you are greeting: from a nod of the head to a deep bend at the waist.

In China, it is a custom to give or receive a present with both hands and you must not open it in front of the person who gave it to you.

In India, the caste system is very important, so every time you meet someone new, they will ask you a series of questions about your studies, your work, your marital status, among others. 




1.4- Africa

In Morocco it is considered rude to leave food on the plate after you eat.

In South Africa we find a multicultural society, with a diversity of cultures, languages and beliefs.

Egypt has many touristic attractions, such as the pyramids of Giza, its well-known landscapes, the desert of the Sahara and the entire cultural legacy from their previous civilizations. 




1.5- Latin America

The Latin American culture is characterized by a combination of indigenous and Spanish traditions.

Moreover, Mexico, has a huge diversity of traditions such as their music, gastronomy and many celebrations including the popular Day of the Dead, where families visit cemeteries to honor their deceased loved ones with music and delicious food.

In the high regions of Peru and Bolivia, it is a tradition to chew coca leaves for reducing the symptoms of altitude sickness like nauseas, dizziness or fatigue among others. 

In Chile, it is a custom to fly kites in September, because they celebrate their Independence Day playing traditional games.

Argentina is well known for its traditional dance: the tango and Brazil for its extensive beaches and the carnival in Rio de Janeiro.

Also, the Caribbean is known for its beautiful white- sand beaches and its warm water.


Machu Pichu – Perú


1.6- North America

North America has a great cultural diversity, due to the large number of immigrants that arrive from different parts of the world.

An important tradition in North America is the celebration of Thanksgiving Day, this celebration takes place the last Thursday of November in United States and the second Monday of October in Canada. During thanksgiving, people get together with their families to have dinner and express their gratitude for their lives, family, friends and health. 


Brooklyn – Nueva York



2- Vocabulary








A way of behaving or a belief that has been established for a long time.

What customs do you have for New Year in your country?



Something that you do often and regularly.

Eating with their hands is a habit in the Arab countries.



It is the transmission of customs, behaviors, beliefs, for the people of a community.

It is a tradition of England having tea.



It is a set of knowledge, customs and traditions learnt from generation to generation that characterize a social group.

American culture has been exported all over the world.



A large area of countryside, usually one without other things that are not natural.

The castle dominates the landscape for kilometres around.



A building or place that is easily recognized.

Italy has impressive architectural landmarks.



An old building or place that is an important part of a country's history.

The Taj Mahal is a great monument of India.



A special day or period, usually in memory of a religious event, with its own social activities, food or ceremonies.

In Spain a variety of festivals are celebrated.



A sign, shape, or object that is used to represent something else.

Cristo del Corcovado is a symbol of Brazil.



A system of communication consisting of sounds, words, and grammar.

English is one of the most learned languages in the world.



Including people who have many different customs and beliefs.

South Africa is a multicultural country.

Global village


The whole world considered as being closely connected by modern telecommunications like the internet.

Due to social media, communications are considered a global village.

Cultural diversity


It is the coexistence and interaction between different cultures within the same geographical space shared by a society.

The United States is a country with a great cultural diversity.

Amazing facts


It is something that can be interesting, impressive or surprising.

An amazing fact is that the piñata comes from China, brought to Italy by Marco Polo and then extended by Europe.

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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/22/2024

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