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¿Cómo cuidar el planeta?: Usar imperativos

12 años > Inglés > Green Issues

1- How can we take care of the planet?

Sometimes we want to change and improve our daily routines to help the planet, but we do not know how to do it. For this reason, we asked four specialists to write their top 5 rules to take care of our planet. 



For me, taking care of the planet is simple, follow these rules:

Do not throw garbage.
– Separate your trash and recycle. 
Be gentle. When you are outside take care of the environment and do not damage it.
– Save energy! You should always turn off the lights and devices when they are not in use.
– Plant a tree!




In my opinion, the most important thing you need to do is to save water, for this:

Do not buy plastic bottles.
– Bring your water bottle from home.
Take shorter showers.
– Save rainwater to water your plants later.
Do not let the water run while brushing your teeth.




To save the planet you need to understand the importance of it first:

– First, take a walk to your nearer forest.
Take a deep breath and watch the nature around you.
– Imagine a world without trees, animals or, even water.
– Get your friends, spread the word, and convince others to help you to save our planet.
 Plan! Organize a group to clean beaches, forests, or even your nearest park.




Saving the planet is in big part responsibility of the companies, for this reason:

– Investigate your favorite brands. Do they care about the environment?
– Choose eco-friendly companies.
– Study which companies are cruelty-free and prefer the ones that do not harm animals in their production process.
– Make wiser decisions! Do not buy without thinking how much damage your product is doing to our planet.
– Spread the word! Teach your friends about how they can make better decisions too.


2- Imperatives


2.1- ¿What are the imperatives?

The imperatives are used in the same context that in Spanish. We use them to give orders,  instructions, warnings and giving advice. 


2.2- ¿How are they used?

The most important is that imperatives don’t have and explicit subject, it has an implied subject “you” (tú). 

Keep in mind that:

– The verb goes in its base form.
– The negative form is “do not+ base form”

There isn’t interrogative form in the imperative tense.


Look at the examples to understand better its use. 


Do not throw garbage here!


Read some tips to save energy in your house, they’re very helpful.


Help and motivate your friends, together we can save the planet!


Teach your children to take care of the planet! 


Do not share this yet, but our company is eco-friendly now.


Tell your parents how to save water in their house, they can also save money.


Let’s organize the march against animal testing.


Pay attention, please. This project will save many dolphins.


Remember to avoid plastic!


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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/20/2024

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