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Comida y alimentos

11 años > Inglés > Food and health

1- Food and meals

1.1- Introduction:

Eating healthyly instead of unhealthyly can help you get all essential nutrients your body needs to develop in a good mental and physical condition. Unhealthy food is high in fat, salt and sugar. 

Healthy food Unhealthy Food






1.2- Food Vocabulary 

Look at the food vocabulary and their classification. Healthy food (  )



1.3- Meals of the day

There are different meals you eat every day. People eat about three meals during a day. 

a. In the morning



The first (1°) meal, and the most important one is breakfast. You have breakfast before you go to school. The food you can eat and the drinks you can have in the morning depend on the country, but most breakfasts include: eggs, juice, fruits, cheese, cereal, milk, and bread. 


b. In the afternoon 



In the middle of the day, the second (2°) meal is lunch.  At lunch time you should eat a balanced meal with that can include a piece of meat, a grain like rice, vegetables, a natural juice, and a fruit for desert. Lunch is an important meal to share with family and friends. 


c. At night


The last meal of the day is dinner. In most countries, families sharing time together for dinner is important. A healthy dinner should include vegetables and a protein in a form of red meat or chicken. 

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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/20/2024

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