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Blog de viaje: Cantidades en presente y pasado

11 años > Inglés > Let’s travel

1- Travel blog

Hi! I’m Tiffany. Last year I went to London for the first time. It was absolutely amazing! The locals were kind and helpful and the city was huge. I’m going to tell you what I did, and which places I visited during my first day in that wonderful place.

First, I visited the “Big Ben”. It is a huge clock at the top of a tower, which is located next to the British parliament. There were a lot of tourists taking pictures there, so I knew that I had to get mine taken there too. It was very interesting and pretty.

Then, I went to the “Buckingham Palace”. This place is the Queen’s home. The architecture is incredible! It is very popular because of the Royal Guards that are outside the palace. There was one guard that was really serious and didn’t laugh even when tourists made funny faces at him. That was so fun to see!



Finally, I went to the “London Eye”. This is a huge Ferris wheel located next to the River Thames in the city. I was so impressed because it is 135 meters tall! There was a big queue of people waiting to get on the wheel, so I couldn’t get in, but it was still amazing anyway.

Now that I have visited London, I want to continue visiting other places in the world. I think I’m going to visit Rome next. My friends have told me there are many interesting and historical places to go there and that I would have a great time. Also, there is a very strong food culture in Rome, which I would really enjoy. I want to keep on going around the world, meeting new people, and getting to know different cultures.

Have you ever travelled abroad? Tell me your story!




2- Quantities present and past


What do the highlighted words in the text express?



There is   /   There are
There was   /   There were


2.1- There is

We use it to refer to a SINGULAR quantity in the present.


There is a cat in my window.
There is some milk in the fridge.


Para identificar que una cantidad es singular, la mayoría de las veces indicará con “a”.

There is a book in the shelf.

Nota que el sustantivo, en este caso “book” está en singular. Al contrario de “books” que indicará que la cantidad es más de una, sea, plural.


2.2- There are

We use it to refer to a PLURAL quantity in the present.


There are two dogs outside my house.
There are many students in the classroom.


2.3- There was

We use it to refer to a SINGULAR quantity in the past.


There was a huge spider in the bathroom.
There was a problem with the connection. 


2.4- There were

We use it to refer to a PLURAL quantity in the past.


There were many people there.
There were a lot of tourists in the palace.



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Fecha de publicación: 05/14/2024

Última edición: 05/20/2024

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